Chapter #9

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*****Farkle's POV*****

***Time Skip***

I walk into Mr Matthews classroom a few months after our trio received the letters from Mr Matthews, Topanga, Riley, Maya, Lucas and Zay, with Cass gripping onto my hand tightly. I spot Matthews reading at his desk and Chai clears her throat. His head snaps up and he smiles at us. "Hey you three. How can I help you?" Mr Matthews asks. I look to Cass and she sighs, producing the envelope from her satchel containing our letters to them. I watch as she steps forward and places it on his desk. "See you tomorrow Mr Matthews," I call as we walk out quickly. Maya narrows her eyes at us as her group make their way into the class.

*****Riley's POV*****

I see Dad looking over an envelope with a large smile on his face. "We got our response from the trio," He states, waving it at us. Maya scoffs in annoyance. "Why did they even bother? We gave them ours months ago," She asks. "Sometimes you just need time to understand something before you respond to it properly," Dad explains. I watch as he opens the letter and his face drops. "She's been advised along with Farkle to go to University with this years' senior students," Mom summarizes as she reads over his shoulder. My smile falls and I look to Auggie to see him on his tablet, tapping away. "What does that mean for us dad?" I ask. "Don't tell us. Belgium 1831?" Maya scoffs. "Maya! This is a major event! Chai is going to be left at school alone! You know how close she is to Cassiopeia and Farkle!" Lucas says loudly. "Serves her right! She rejected Riley! She deserves to be alone!" Maya yells. Lucas looks to me and I sigh. "I have to agree with her deserving to be alone," I state quietly. Lucas furrows his eyebrows together. "I'm leaving!" He yells in annoyance, storming out of the room.

I open my locker only for a letter to fall out. I lift it up and open it.

Dear Riley Matthews,

After what you said last night about Chai deserving to be alone when Cassiopeia and Farkle leave for University, I got thinking. Maybe it's just me in this friendship group that thinks this, but Chai doesn't deserve to be alone. She's actually the most caring person. I guess that's why she and Cassie became friends so quickly. With kind people, they get along well. You may think that Chai is some form of bad guy in your world, but in mine, she's someone who would put someone else's needs beforehand her own. Which leads me to what I'm about to say/write. I don't need someone who would put down a girl like her in my life. So, Riley Matthews, I'm officially ending our relationship.

Lucas Friar.

I drop the letter letter in shock and a hand is placed on my shoulder, I turn around quickly to see a frowning Chai. "Did you hear about Cassie and Farkle?" She questions. I narrow my eyes at her and shove her away from me, causing her to fall over. Every head snaps toward me in shock. "Riley?" She gasps. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! LUCAS BROKE UP WITH ME BECAUSE OF YOU!" I scream. She flinches at my volume and tries stand up, until I place my foot on her chest and kick her down. She yelps as she hits the floor. I kick her side and she curls into a ball in pain. Someone tries to pull me away as Chai stands up and I stomp on their foot, moving forward and punching Chai in the face a few times before shoving her away from me. She screams out as she loses her footing and falls down the stairs. "MISS MATTHEWS! MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" A deep voice yells as Cassiopeia shoves past me and down to her friend.

I sit in the office, watching as Chai is loaded into an ambulance and police walk into the school. Dad storms into the room, Mom close behind. "How dare you do that young lady?! Do you realize how much trouble you're in?! And how much embarrassment you've caused us because of your actions?!" Mom yells.

*****Cassiopeia's POV*****

I grip onto Farkle's hand as we walk into the hospital, looking around to see Chai's parents crying, causing me walk over to them quickly. "Mr and Mrs Dawson?" I ask. They look up and Mrs Dawson stands up. "Cassie! I'm so happy to see you!" She cries. "I'm sorry about Chai. I should have done something to stop this from happening. This is my fault because I accepted the offer to go to university with this years' seniors," I state. Mr Dawson shakes his head as he too stands up. "This couldn't and never will be your fault. You can't help the things that happen around you. No matter how much you think you can stop them from happening, you never can," He states. Farkle wraps an arm around my shoulders and we all sit down.

I wake up to someone shaking me and open my eyes in confusion to see Mrs Dawson standing in front of Farkle and I. "Chai wants to see you before your uncle picks you both up," She explains quietly. We nod and climb out of our seats, quickly following Mrs Dawson down the corridors. After a few minutes, she opens a door to reveal two rows of closed curtains and we're lead to the back curtain on the left. Farkle pulls it open to reveal Chai sitting up against her pillows holding a cup of jelly. "Cassie. Farkle," She greets, a small smile painted on her face. I walk quickly to her beside and wrap her in a gentle hug. "We were so worried about you. Even Lucas is and he tried to stop my evil twin from attacking you," I state. Chai blushes. "Well, Mom and Dad told me that you thought this was your fault. I just wanted you to know that I don't blame you for the actions of an individual family member," Chai explains. I blush and look to her parents. "You weren't going to believe us," Mr Dawson says in defense. "Also, I'll be back at school by the end of the month. I just have to heal and Mom and Dad are filing a report on Riley," Chai explain. I smile sadly and nod my head. "Don't worry. I'm sure if Riley or anyone who thinks she was in the right, try to attack you, Lucas will be by your side the whole time. Even when we're not there for you full time during the day," Farkle explains.

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