9: Days Gone Bye

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Glenn's POV

After I read the note I'm quite aware of our surroundings.

"Y/N, y-you should get some rest," I whisper as I crumble up the note.

"What about them? The people," She

"I'll keep watch. Look in that closet for a blanket and some pillows. We'll lock the door to both rooms," I say as I pull a chair up by the window.

She walks over to the closet and looks inside.

She pulls out a two big blankets and one pillow.

"We're in luck," She says as she lays one of the blankets out on the floor.

She gets her pallet laid out and lays down.

"Glenn, if anything or anyone tries to get in or tries to hurt us, wake me up," She says before laying down.

"I will," I whisper as she drifts off to sleep.

I sigh and look out the window.

"How did this happen?" I whisper to myself as I lean back in the chair.

I grab my gun and load it.

I look around outside.

The walkers are starting to clear off.

There is only about 3 or 4 out there now.

I guess I'll go clear them off.

I get up and move the love seat out of the way of the door.

I look over at Y/N who is already sound asleep.

Damn I swear she sleeps through anything.

I sling the door open and the walkers that are now at the window are coming after me.

I take my knife out and stab one in the head, then the other, and then the last two.

"Dumbass," I mumble as I looked at the cut on my hand. It was bleeding like crazy.

I rip a piece of my shirt off and wrap it around the wound.

It stops a little bit of the bleeding.

I make my way towards the porch steps when all of the sudden a sharp pain goes through my head.

"Dammit!" I yell.

I turn around to see a guy with a crowbar.

As soon as I turn around he hits me in the head with it again.

I fell on the ground and my vision started to get blurry.

"Damn you're a tough sonabitch," He says before wacking me in the head with it again.

My vision gets blurry as everything soon starts to fade black and I am out.

glenn's little sister // c.g  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now