Monroe Marley

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I woke up the next day still in Kam'ron's arms who would have known he would have been the one to help me out of all the bullshit we say to each other he put that to the side and helped me I never would have thought he would have helped me after all that mean shit we said to each other, but he did and I can truly say that I was really thankful for that cause Lord knows what would have happened to me last night. Then on top of that I learned that he is really a sweetheart and I never would have known that if we would have continued with our rants and raves about each other being mean and spiteful towards each other. I sighed lightly then slowly got up causing him to slowly open his eyes as he gained his focus then said,

"Where you going mami?" He asked in his raspy voice with sleep still sound in his voice.

"I'm about to go to the bathroom" I say to him looking into his eyes.

"Alright hurry back and we're not going to school today we can hang out today if that's cool with you" he says to me as he looked into my eyes.

"Alright that's fine I wasn't really feeling school today, but what are we going to do all day though?" I asked with an raised eyebrow.

"We can hit up the movies when they open at ten and then hit up the laser tag joint or whatever else you wanna do mami" he says rubbing his eyes then yawning.

"Alright that's fine with me" I say with a nod as he released me from his grip as a I got up then grabbed me a pair of tights and a tank top then made my way into the bathroom to take me a shower to get freshen up as I had a million and one things running through my head.


"Oh my gosh Kam'ron you are fucking cheating on the real" I say pouting as he was kicking my ass in basketball

"Naw, never that ball is everything to me you just suck that's all that is" he says with a chuckle.

"Naw, that ass is cheating that's what your doing nikka" I say checking the ball to him.

"Naw, like I said you just suck" he says smirking.

"Yeah, whatever nikka" I say rolling my eyes as we started back playing ball.

After a while of playing he won meaning I was going to have to cook something once we got back to the house then give him a massage his ass still cheated but it's whatever. Anyways, we decided to head home so I can get started on cooking what I was going to cook I don't know but I'll think of something. I was looking out the window thinking when I was startled from my thoughts by Kam'ron causing him to laugh as he said,

"Damn the fuck you over there thinking about?" He asked cracking up.

"Shxt I was just thinking that's all" I say taking in a deep breath trying to get my thoughts together.

"Well, I'mma need you to get that shxt together mami on the real cause all that jumping and shit ain't gone cut it" he says laughing as if the shit was truly funny.

"Oh whatever fuck you nikka" I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, as if you would be able to do that cause that ass ain't ready for all of this" he says chuckling.

"Oh whatever just shut up and drive nikka damn by the way what do you have to cook at home?" I say looking over at him.

"I got a few things but you wanna stop by the store and get a few things or something and don't even ask with what money I'm paying for it" he says looking over at me.

"Alright cool let's stop by the store then" I say nodding my head.

"Alright bet" he says pulling into Save-a-Lot parking lot in search of a park be finally found one then parked then killed the ignition as he grabbed his keys then got out then closed the door behind him as he walked over to my side opened the door for me then helped me out then closed the door behind me hit the alarm as we made our way inside as I asked him what all he liked then went from there still trying to think of what the hell I was going to cook.


"Mami, you cut the fool with that Chicken and Shrimp Alfredo that shit was good as hell" he says to me causing me to smile.

"Well, I'm honored that you liked it I was kinda scared cause I didn't know what the hell I was going to cook but I thought of something" I say washing the dishes.

"Well, shoot I enjoyed it a lot my ass is gone sleep good tonight" he says with a smile rubbing his stomach.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the food next is your massage" I say finishing up the last of the dishes.

"Yeah, I can't wait I'm fresh out the shower too I'mma be in heaven" he says doing the cabbage patch.

"Boy you is a mess you know that but let me go grab what I need gone ahead upstairs alright." I say to him as I dried my hands off then headed upstairs.

Moments later he came into the room then pulled me down on the bed with him causing me to laugh as I said,

"What the fuck weren't you just downstairs nikka" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup, but a nikka like me moves in silence so you better watch out mami" he says with a smirk on his face.

"I guess but that's a good way to get that ass knocked out though dealing with me." I say to him as I lightly pushed him off me then stood back up on my feet.

"Now take your shirt off then lay down on your stomach please and thank you" I say to him as I pulled my hair up into a bun.

"Alright" he says as he stood up to his feet then removed his shirt then looked down at me as I did a once over and I will admit his body was on point.

He looked down at me then smirked as he said, "You good mami?" He asked with a slight smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I'm good now lay down" I say lightly pushing him down on the bed as he smirked then laid down on his stomach.

I went into the bathroom grabbed the oils then made my way back into the room handed him the oils then lightly sat down on the bed then crawled onto his back then grabbed the oils poured them onto his back then started giving him a massage as we started making small talk until he was sound asleep. I got up slowly then grabbed the oils put them up in the bathroom then walked back into the room grabbed the remote got under the covers watched TV for a while until I fell sound asleep with nothing on my brain.

Kam'ron & MonroeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang