Monroe Marley

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I made it home from school then sighed as I closed the door behind me then locked it as I walked over towards the kitchen threw the keys and my mail down on the counter then made my way into my room where I stripped down from my clothes then found me something comfortable to wear then flopped down on the bed as I grabbed my book bag then got started on my homework as I had so much shit floating through my head. While in the midst of me doing my homework my cell phone went off indicating it was my home girl Imari I smiled as I grabbed my phone then answered,

"Yo, what's good mami?" I asked soon as I picked up the phone.

"Girl nothing doing this homework before I go to the party you know how my parents are about my school work on a school night" she says with a huff.

"Girl, be grateful that you got people's mami you could end up like me and you don't won't these problems" I say with a sigh.

"Yeah, I know it's just sometimes they can be too extra that's all" she says with a sigh.

"You wanna know why they be all extra and stuff most of the time Imari it's because they love you and they don't want anything to happen to you they already lost one child and they're not trying to lose another one be thankful you still got yours cause I wish I still had mines my father got killed in front of me when I was seven years old and my mother never knew how to be a mother she ran away from her responsibilities and left me high and dry to rot on my own to stay with people whom didn't want me I can't say that my mother loves me because I've never had her love and I've never had a one on one talk with her to see why she wasn't there but maybe one day we'll have our moment" I say trying to keep from breaking down.

"Oh, mami I'm sorry please don't​ cry it bothers me that your hurting if I could find your mother for you to have that moment of healing I would but it's hard to find someone that doesn't clearly want to be found" she says with a sigh.

"Yeah, it does seem like she doesn't want to be found I was supposed to be staying out here with my Aunt Shay but I told you how that shit went down though right?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Girl, yes that bitch was lazy and thought her daughter was an angel and blamed everything on you as if you were the one that was stealing and fucking nikkas in her house" she said with a chuckle.

"Girl, yes her daughter wasn't no saint that bitch was horrible" I say rolling my eyes thinking about all the shit I went through behind her ass.

"Girl, but it's over and done with you have nothing to worry about you got your own shit and you got an Uncle that sends you money on your father's side for bills and everything so you're good mami" she says giving me words of encouragement.

"Yeah, I know mami I love you and appreciate you for being that one true friend I can say I have here in Chicago" I say with a smile.

"Girl, you know I gotchu so it's nothing anyways I'm about to go find me some food and get ready for this party I'mma need you to come through and scoop me up I still gotta think of what I'mma wear" she says with a sigh.

"Girl, I know what you mean but I think I kinda know what I'mma wear I just have to see between now and then how it goes but let me finish up this work I'll be through to get you alright mami" I say sitting up in the bed.

"Alright, mami I'll see you later" she says with a smile.

"Alright, mama later" I say hanging up the phone as I sat it down on the bed beside me.

I had a couple more pages to do with my homework then I was about to go and fix me something to eat then take me a nap and be done with it until tonight with hopes of nothing crazy happening on the real.


I stepped out the shower then grabbed my towel as I dried off then grabbed my favorite scent then applied it to my body. Once I was done with that I grabbed my undergarments then slipped them on then brushed my teeth and everything sprayed on my smell good then made my way into the room as I walked over towards my closet to find me something nice to put on. As I searched through my closet I finally decided on what I was going to wear then laid it across the bed then grabbed my shoes sat them down beside the bed then grabbed my dress slipped it on the pulled it down once I was done with that I slipped on my shoes laced them up then got up from the bed walked over towards the drawer grabbed my accessories put them on then walked over towards my closet grabbed my denim jacket slipped it on then pulled my hair out of it's bun then decided to wear it down then grabbed my cell slipped it in my pocket then grabbed my keys then made my way out of my room then out the front locked the door behind me then walked over towards my car which was a basic car a black Honda Accord it was all I could afford it's my car it gets me from point a to point b and that's all that matters to me. Anyways, I hit the alarm on my car opened the door got in closed the door behind me crunk it up then sped off down the street towards my destination with hella shit floating through my head in hopes of having a good time with no drama.

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