XIII: welcome back (not)

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  My parents were stood in front of me, dressed in formal attire with unimpressed expressions on their faces. I couldn't even speak right now.

"Well, let us in?" My mom said to break the awkward silence.

"Nice to see you too, mom." I scowled, but she scowled back.

"Sorry.. Come in." I said quietly. Both my parents pushed through me, a mixture of expensive perfume and cologne intoxicated my nostrils.

"Did you want tea or.."

"No. Your father and I had tea on the way here." She said as she crossed her arms.

"What are you wearing?" My dad said as he judged my choice of attire. His breath smelt of tobacco. I suddenly felt insecure about being dressed in only Harry's shirt in front of two adults dressed in black satin.

"Oh.. uh I just woke up-"

"Just woke up? It's nearly two in the afternoon." My mom narrowed her eyes. "And frankly, that's quite slutty to wear to bed if you ask me."

"Well, I didn't ask. And what am I supposed to wear? I have better things to use my money on than an Egyptian silk pajama set." I rolled my eyes.

"My money." My dad said as he cleared his throat.

"That looks like a men's shirt. Do you have a boyfriend now or are you just going through another phase? Please tell me it's neither." My mom said cattily.

"Neither." I half-lied. Harry wasn't my boyfriend but I certainly wouldn't see anyone else right now.

"You're a bad liar Alaska." My mom replied as she took a bite out of an apple from the fruit bowl.

"I'm not even ly-"

"This place is kind of a mess, Alaska. I knew you would find it hard living without parents who cleaned up after your mess." My dad butted in.

"It's not even messy. Why are you back so early?" I asked.

"Because christmas over in France is absolutely hectic so we came back to spend it here." My dad responded.

"Christmas in France is breathtaking, actually. Wait. You went to France?" I said. I was shocked. I knew they were in Europe, but I just didn't think France.

"Yes. How did you not know? It boggles my mind that you don't know these things." My mom rolled her eyes at me.

"I don't know "these things" because you never bother to check in and tell me how you're doing. You haven't given me a call since what? August?" I exclaimed.

"Hey, don't raise your voice at me missy. Your dad and I are busy. We are busy so you can get a good education and live up to our standards." My mom said sternly. I sighed.

"Why did you even come here anyways? To just yell at me?" I said defeated.

"We came here to ask how you were doing at Cardozo Law, Alaska. To make sure everything is going how I want it to." My mom replied. My heart sunk. I never transferred to Cardozo in October; she doesn't know that.

My mom walked over the mirror just across from us to fix her hair, her back turned to me.

"Well...?" She said as she readjusted her earring and reapplied her red lipstick.

"Good." I lied.

"What?" She turned around to snarl at me. My mom was a human lie detector. It's partially the reason why she was so successful.

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