Swara doesn't answers and tries to move but due to weakness she feels dizzy and is about to fall but Sanskar catchs her at the nick of time. "Swaraa! Swaraaa, open your eyes Swara." He says tapping her cheek.

Swara slowly opens her eyes and faints in his warm embrace.

The moment he touched her body, he gets to know she is having high fever.Because her body temperature is soo high.
"Ohh God Swara, you have fever."

Sanskar picks her up in bridal style and moves towards bed, covering her with four blankets.
"Abb kya karu? I can't disturb mom.(thinks for a second)ohh haa, I know what I have to do with high fever patient.

After few minutes Sanskar comes and starts to keep cold water Pattis on her forhead.

All the way he is just starting Swara lovingly.nHer beautiful and cute face is pale now, some moron dark circles come under her twinkling eyes, her nose is red, may be due to high fever. Her juicy,red rose Patels like lips has turned into light blue coloured now. She has lost her charm somehow. Don't know when he placed a kiss on her forehead caressing her hairs with lots of love.

After 2 hours he checks her temperature and hufffff it's normal now. But what about her cuts?
He brings the First aid box and applies ointment. After finishing his work he comfortably sits beside Swara starting her once again and slowly he also dozes of.


Sanskar suddenly wakes up from sleep finding Swara shouting something "Please don't beat me. I am sorry. Please, I won't do that again. ahhh!! I'm sorry. Please."

Sanskar is shocked listening to all this and tries to wake her up "Swaraaa! Listen, listen, see no one is here. You are safe."

Sanskar realises that Swara's all body has become cold, she is badly shivering. He couldn't take this anyone and finally takes her in his warm embrace, in a same duvet hugging her tight, giving body heat to her. More she tries to push him,more he tightly hugs her. Soon she calms down and peacefully sleeps cuddling him like a pillow.

Sanskar could feel all the insects(*specially male butterflies) in his body when Swara's hot breath touches his neck. He smiles brightly wrapping his arms around her waist and pulls her more towards him and both sleeps peacefully.(*SWASAN are in each other's embrace,do they need anything else?)

Next Morning.

Sun rays falls on our HEAVENLY couple SwaSan who is sleeping sticking to each other like they will die if somebody separates them. Sanskar opens his eyes and gets mesmerized to see a beauty queen sleeping on his chest like a baby. He keeps on starting her with a wide smile.

Meantime Swara also opens her eyes and directly looks at Sanskar's dark brown eyes who is still starting her without blinking. Both are having a cute and multiple cute 😶eyelock. God knows what they are trying to find. Swara's few strand of hairs are disturbing his view, so he tucks them behind her ear. Now perfectly looking at her deep eyes,which is showing some kind of hidden feeling for him.

Swara is also doing the same,trying to find out what feeling he has kept in his deep brown eyes for her.

Soon both comes to sence hearing their TUMMY's gutur gutur sound,indicating how much both are hungry, and jerks from their place.

A sudden awkward situation takes place between them. But inorder to avoid further unnecessary awkwardness Sanskar asks "Ehem! Ehemm. Swara, are you feeling better now?"

Swara slightly nods her head, avoiding eye contact.

"But what was all that? How those scratches come to your body?"

Genie & Sanskuu.✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu