Chapter 6

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I open my eyes a little more with each blink, slowly adjusting to the blinding light. A feeling of arms tighten around my waist reminds me of the activities that occurred last night. Shit. "Good Morning." He says in a voice that gives me goosebumps. I remain quiet and am forced to look at the man I've been afraid of basically my whole life. A growl escapes his lips saying, "I said, Good Morning." "Good Morning." I whisper back. He has me off my guard right now and could easily pull a knife from under the mattress, or from a hidden drawer beneath the bed. He's done it before. Sliding his hand down to my knee he says, "Last night brought back some memories huh sweetie?" I can't do anything but nod and hold back my tears as my leg moved and I hurt. The thing about Joker is that he always comes back. No matter what. He killed your family years ago and you got away? Expect a visit. You walked past him pissed off last week? What ever was stressing you then won't be your biggest problem for long. Your father sells you to him and you finally manage to get away after 7 years? He comes back for you two years later. "Getting away from me won't be so easy this time Zelda my dear-" he pulls me closer to him "You're mine." That made my stomach twist in what felt like three different knots. "Joker I have my own apartment now. I have a business. I'm the pawn of Gotham. You have to understand.... I can't be with you." Pushing away, I feel his grip slowly tighten on my thigh. "What about 'You're Mine' don't you understand Zelda?" He snarls between his teeth digging his nails into my flesh making me wince. "You can't just claim a person!" I say back still trying to get out of his grip but only continuing to fail. "You see..... I think I can." He says before head-bonking me into unconsciousness.

When I awoke I was tied down to a operating type table in a dark room with one faint red light. I was still naked from the events earlier that day. I squirm and try and get myself free. No such luck. Looking around I spot some syringes and scalpels placed neatly on a metal table right next to the bed. If I could only move my hands a little more..... A blinding light is then put on me and a sharp pain goes through my right leg, in between my ankle and knee. A cry escapes my lips and a black tear strolls down my cheek. I hadn't cried in so long I forgot when Joker injected something into me to make my tears different colours. "You should've accepted my offer my sweet. You really should have. We could've taken over all of Gotham together.. but no. You chose something different. You chose to leave me!" He yells getting on top of me only to drive a scalpel into my left arm. I scream and let the tears flow. "SHUT UP!" He howls taking another scalpel and putting it up against the inside of my right cheek. My cheeks are wet and stained black from the tears but I don't make a sound. "Good." He says starting to cut open the cheek into the large grin that he too had. Before he got to my left cheek, you could hear a loud noise like shattering glass making the mad man turn away from me. He lept from the table and into the surrounding darkness.

Hai guys! :) Uhm cliff hanger Muahaha >:D I'll try and update maybe once a week (Depending how busy the week is....) But for now, Bai :)

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