Searching for the Light - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

"Yo! Johnny, Carter come sit over here!" Jerry stood up from his chair and waved them over. The two guys came and sat down with us. 

"So, Marianne, I see you survived the day without my help" I giggled and looked up to meet the eyes of my hero.  

"I'm Johnny by the way and that's Carter" he pointed to Mr. Smirksalot. Have a guess what he did once I looked at him? He smirked. Giving a quick smile I turned back to Johnny who was loosening his school tie, his golden hair fell over his eyes - I noticed he had quite a few freckles that made him appear very young, not to mention his dimples.

"Thank you" I whispered, leaning in to him.  

"What for?" Johnny raised an eyebrow. 

"The whole ordeal with Alec"  

"Oh, no problem" he grinned.

By the time It was the end of class, Jerry, Tami, Johnny and Carter had insisted we exchange phone numbers. Turns out Johnny had learnt my name because we were in the same homeroom, he'd also told me that they were good friends with the bunch Alec had sat me with at dinner were all good friends; he had said that once I get to know Alec I would realize that he wasn't such a bad guy after all. Now I'm not a big fan of American football, so when they started talking about that, I zoned out but was quickly interrupted by Tami, she asked me If I wanted to go to a game tomorrow night - Eastland High versus some other team in there league. Unlike the old me, I had said yes and we agreed that she would come home with me and we would get ready together, I'm sure Caroline won't mind an extra seat at dinner.

Mathieu was exactly where he said he was going to be when I came out of school, he was stood outside his car and waved when he saw me. Gee, how embarrassing.  

"Who's that?" Tami and Carter asked simultaneously. 

"Um, just my frère"  

"frère?" Carter questioned, Tami giggled. Oops.  

"Oh sorry, he's my brother". I had previously explained to them all that sometimes I get mixed up with English and French, they didn't seem to mind. Saying goodbye to my new friends, I walked toward Mathieu.  

"How was your first day, kid?"  

"It was great thanks" he rubbed the top of my hair and I pouted.  

"Great! Now get in, lets go home"  

"Okay" A smile tugging at the ends of my mouth.

I seem to be getting along with Mathieu a great deal. When we started driving he started playing 'S Club 7 - Don't stop moving', he had turned it up to the max and we were now dancing in our seats, trying to sing without bursting into a fit of laughter. Moments like these are what I dreamed of having, I'm happy.

On getting home, Caroline welcomed me with open arms and then we both set out to prepare dinner while Mathieu had some work to do because of his job. Apparently, being a fire-fighter isn't all that it's cracked out to be.

By the time dinner was ready, I had already told Caroline all of what happened today, remembering to leave out the 'Alec' parts. My brother had finished working so we ate our dinner in the living room, he had been dying to watch a basketball match on ESPN, so we decided to join him. It was hilarious listening to him while he shouted at the TV screen, I never realized it would be so much fun.  

When I was finished, I had spent a lengthy time in the bathtub, done my nails and went to sleep.

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