Kuchisake onna

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"Do you think I look pretty?"
An old myth or tale known in Japan. A young  girl was abused by her father who had mental problems. He thought she was going out with boys and in anger he cut her face, slicing a line with a knife from ear to ear, making her face look as if it was constantly grinning creepily. He then proceeded to say, "who will think you're pretty now?"

It is thought that she hangs out in the streets of Japan wearing a mask or a cloth around her face. She waits for people to pass her, then questions,"do you think I look pretty?". If the person says "no", she will cut them in half. If he/she says "yes" she will remove the cloth and ask again. If they answer "yes" again, or scream, she will cut their moths to look like her too. If answered "no" she will follow her victim home them brutally proceed to murder them. The only way to escape is said to throw candy or money at her for distraction or give her confusing answers.

For more facts, search "kuchisake onna"

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