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"Hoe. Hoe. Hoe" I pause pursing my lips, not satisfied with my word choice. "Merry Christmas."
I look up at Chloe's bald headed self and wonder why she's laughing like a damn hyena.
"What the fuck man, it's not even christmas." She giggles to herself, tripping over the boxes scattered on the floor as she makes her way to me. Boxes filled with all the crap that the family before left here.
We'd go through them from time to time. You know I always had this feeling that they all died some disastrous way, but no one in this god foresaken part of town will tell anyone in the younger generation how they died. It was forbidden territory, this house.
"But it is." I say seriously, I wasn't joking, of course it's Christmas. Or is it? I'm confused. Or am I? I don't know anymore, and for most matters I don't care. Yes I do care, that's why I explain this much. Obviously its not Christmas, but you know-- gotta show everyone how ditzy I am. And there's the fact of how complicated everything just got. So I guess I just like making everything way more complicated than it is.
"Okay okay whatever you say Briar." Chloe smiles at me, and soon starts humming to L.G FUAD by Motion City Soundtrack.
For a moment we stay silent but with both of us being high and no one to find or see us we were obviously going to find something interesting and random to talk about. Especially since we're in this freaking attic again. It's high class, just like us-- high class robbers. I'm so smooth, like a smooth criminal.
I giggle to myself before I hear Chloe start to say, "You know one day," she looks at me with a weird look I've seen at least 3 times before. Once I saw the look I knew what she was going to say and I knew I was going to roll my eyes and giggle once again. "I'm going to do bad things to you-- or even with you."
"I know Chloe this is the third time you told me today." I roll my eyes, and giggle afterward because... it was funny? No, I think it's mostly because I'm high and bored. Honestly the first time she said that to me I was disgusted or at least I think I was. 

"I'm serious bro. If I don't do anything to you by the time we turn 18-- well I must have finally gone mental. Oh wait, I'm pretty sure I already am. Maybe I'll go sane. Would that be a better word to use?" I absolutely despise her, but I feel almost addicted to the insanity she holds.

"Why though? Perro why?" I honestly could care less for how she wants to do so, but conversation changers are key.
"Because, why not?" She suggests an answer, furrowing a pierced eyebrow. 
Her answer was so boring, something I've heard come out of her mouth thousands of times before. So, so, so boring. My mouth opened ready to speak just about until the stench of marijuana was replaced with the heavy scent of Spearmint and Cigarettes.

smd i've already edited this introduction multiple times already, if you don't like it stfu and leave. no one fucking cares if you dont like it. anyway pm me if you actually want to have set dates of when i update chapters. they're all gonna suck though. 

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