Part of the Pack

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The sound of someone's muffling snapped Y/N back to reality. Her eyes quickly scanned the second floor. She didn't see anything unusual but she smelt Scott's scent. He was here somewhere and she had to find him before it was too late.

She rushed between shelves, checking if Scott was hidden somewhere in between. She quickened her pace as the muffles got louder and she heard someone shifting around. Liam heard Y/N moving quick as her heart began to race. He rushed up stairs to find her.

Y/N found Scott in the back corner of the library. His wrist and ankles were wrapped around silver chains laced with wolfsbane. His skin was red and irritated, burning from the wolfsbane.

"Liam!" Y/N yelled as she ran towards Scott. She hissed as the wolfsbane stung her fingers when she tried to remove the chains. She winced as her fingers grabbed one side of the tape that kept Scott from talking or screaming. "This might hurt," she told Scott. He nodded, giving her the approval to rip it off his mouth quick.

Scott let out a growl after Y/N quickly pulled the tape off his mouth. "Thanks," he gasped. He looked down at his wrist and ankles, trying to pull them off with all his strength but he couldn't as the wolfsbane was starting to weaken him.

"Shit," Liam mumbled as he kneeled down next to Y/N and noticed he had no idea how they could remove the chains without either of them getting hurt in the process.

"Go to the coach's office," Y/N ordered Liam. He gave her a confused look, questioning how going to Finstock's office would solve the situation Scott's in. "He has a pair of bolt cutters for the lockers," she explained.

Liam nodded as he remembered he had once told Finstock he left the key for his lock inside his locker and used his bolt cutters to open his locker. "I'll be right back," Liam said as he ran out of the library.

Y/N looked back at Scott. "Who did this to you?"

"I don't know..." he trailed. "He kind of looked like a ghost, but he had a hat and a trenched coat."

Her eyes widened, as she knew exactly what Scott saw, a Ghost Rider. She had heard of them before from when she used to work with The Dread Doctors, but she never expected The Ghost Riders to make a stop in Beacon Hills.

"Scott," she lifted his head to get him to look at her. "Where did The Ghost Rider go?"

"I dunno," he mumbled weakly.

"Damn it," she slightly shook Scott. "I need you to stay awake and I need you to remember, Scott. Tell me everything you kno-" Y/N stopped talking as a sudden rush of wind gushed through and dead leaves flew everywhere. She turned around and noticed the library was dark. "Shit," she mumbled. "They're here." She turned around and looked at Scott. "Can you promise me something?" Scott nodded weakly. "If something happens to me, I need you to remember to tell Liam I love him."

"What?" Scott asked confused. He heard every word she said, but he didn't know what she meant.

Y/N ignored him and walked toward the stairs, where she saw a Ghost Rider making its way up toward her. She rolled her head side to side before shifting, staring down The Ghost Rider with her electric yellow eyes. She flicked her hands; her pink manicured nails were replaced with sharp claws. She growled at him, showing off her canine teeth once he reached the second floor. She knew the odds were against her. She was just a chimera and there was no one around her to help her, not that they would help. Taking down a Ghost Rider, let alone killing one, is nearly impossible, but she didn't care. All she cared about was distracting him while Liam saved Scott.

"I got it!" Liam yelled as he burst into the library with the bolt cutters in his hands. He immediately froze in place the second he saw Y/N and a Ghost Rider staring at each other. "Y/N!"

Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Reader ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant