Diego y Frida

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Enfrente y perfecto, balanced as one.

Many times they are together,

As many times they will be undone.

Dia de la Flor, simplistic jubilation.

The kind of false-sensed, airy joy

That creates a dystopian nation.

La perfección falsa, unrealistic beauty.

The symmetry that does not exist.

The real world, full of impurity.

Esta pintura, something anew.

The perfection is incredible,

Achievable by only a few.

Enfrente y perfecto, balanced as one.

Many times they are together,

As many times they will be undone.

Autorretrato, complex sadness and pain.

The authenticity of rugged agony

That is avoided only in vain.

No hacer vista, I beg of you see.

Her eyes plead, "Look at my suffering.

Look at my pain. Look at me."

Auto cautiva, woeful and helpless.

Undeserving of a thorn crown,

She dons a thorn necklace.

Enfrente y perfecto, balanced as one.

Many times they are together,

As many times they will be undone.

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