Chapter Four - Titanium

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"Titanium," Leaf says sharply, shaking my shoulder, "What is our next move?"
I snap back into the meeting, my gaze focusing on the thick maps in front of me. I trace a hand across the paper and stare at my brutally short nails, remembering the time, barely two months ago, when they were long and precisely painted, in a gentle pastel color. I follow the ladder-like line, tracing a path across Illéa, ending just before the border with Monach.
"We'll follow the train lines from here to Kent, by horse and on foot. In Kent, we'll stir the atmosphere against the Schreaves, leaving the city before they can take any action against us," I say clearly, knowing I have to sound certain for them to respect me.
"Forgive me, madam," A petite brunette speaks up, looking up through her chestnut bangs, "May I suggest something?"
"Who are you?" I demand, unable to match this girl to any of the names in this camp.
"Feather, my lady," she whispers, dipping her head.
"Bring her forwards," I command, gesturing for my ring of guards to split, letting her through. She slips between them, placing her hand on the map.
She sweeps the maps with her wide hazel eyes, "We could get onto one of the workers' trains in Kent. The foreigners could march through the abandoned tunnels between the cities, with some of your generals."
"No," one of the foreign generals orders, pushing Feather aside, "Titanium stays with us. You can take Brook, Thorn, Shard and Silver."
"General, may I remind you that your prince will not want his bride travelling alone?" I say quickly, staying a step ahead of him.
"The prince will want his bride to be the catalyst for the movement against the Schreaves. He does not want her travelling with a band of soldiers," the general states, "You will come with us, Titanium, or the uprising is over. All that your father worked for. Gone."
I pause, staring at the general for what seems like hours, before I finally speak, "I agree to your terms. Feather, come with me, we must plan your route with Silver."

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