Chapter 6 :Problems

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I had forgotten i tried to get there attention. And when i did get there attention i yelled " CORY HAS MONOPHOBIA!!" They all looked at me. " Wait what?!?" Shelby yelled. We all ran outside and sure enough inside the cage it sounded like a war was going on. Actually there was a war going on. A war of Corys emotions. " OPEN IT UP NOW!!!!!!" I yelled. I wanted to be by my friends side, To make him feel safe. Jin made the cage go away. And we all looked at Cory he looked terrible. His mask was broken and his face was showing, He had tear stains all over his face, His face was red and he looked in pain. OMG we forgot about his foot! Woops. He still cried and he looked at us like we were monsters. I sat down next to him trying to calm him down. "'s okay. we are all here." I said calmly. " n-no it's not think i am a monster because i did something i did not even control or know i was doing it!!" Cory said. " Someone help me pick him up." i said moving towards Cory. " no i can get up myself." He said getting up........ but falling back down in pain. I carefully picked him up and he flinched. But i carried cory back in the house


As Nick carried me inside i saw Adam on the couch and Shelby was healing him. I felt bad. How did i not feel it happen!!!! I thought. He carried me to my room and put me on the bed. And he wrapped my foot And gave me something to help me walk. " We are going to lock you in here until you calm down and don't worry you are not alone we are all here. So if you need us just yell." he said walking out of my room and locking it. I took a deep breath.
I am not alone
I am not alone
I am not alone
I felt better knowing i was not alone. I sat there not knowing what to do. The window......oh yes. I quietly opened the window and cool breeze hit my face. It felt good. I slowly climbed through the window. Then the air slammed the window closed. I froze that would attract attention. I started to move quick and just and i got to the ground i herd my door open.


I was starting to be able to get up. I felt a lot better thanks to shelby. I was not mad at Cory cause i knew he did not mean to. He looked dazed when he grabbed me and that's how i knew. Everyone was talking so they did not notice me get up and head to Corys room and as i walked down the hallway i herd a slam. It came from Corys room. I grabbed a key knowing that they locked him in there. I opened the door......... He was.......Gone. " W-what?!" I stumbled backwards but caught myself. I ran to the others. "H-HES.....G-GONE!!!" They all looked at my with a shocked face. I looked at Jin. " Oh.....The window..." He said. I nodded. " We have to find him!" Said Jess. " Yes who knows what he will do." Red said. I can just imagine the lives that will be lost wait nevermind. " Guys he is hurt he won't be able to do much." i said. " That is kind of true." Said Ross. " Well come on we have to find him." Said Shelby.

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