Chapter 18-I hate all of you.

Start from the beginning

"I'm not sure I want to know anymore....." He drifted off.

"Take a seat Zayn, we have a lot to tell you." Calum patted a seat next to him on the couch. Zayn cautiously sat down and we all began explaining everything that happened, poor Zayn.

Jades POV

"I just wanted to have a good summer!!" I sobbed into my pillow. "It's okay, we can clear all this up and you'll have a great summer." Luke rubbed my back. "Simon hates me and I did nothing! Who knows when he's coming back?!" I cried more.

Luke lifted me off the pillow and hugged me. "Don't worry, he just needs to cool down, he'll be back soon, I promise." He kissed my head and I blushed.

"Thanks." I wiped away a tear. "Are you mad at all them?" Luke asked. "I'm mad at Demi, Arizona, Mariah and Ella. None of the boys, they wouldn't have done this if it weren't for them. They always get me in trouble." I huffed.

"Let's go downstairs." He took my hand and we walked into the living room where Zayn was sitting there in shock.

"Hi Zayn." I waved. He looked at me and smiled shakily. "Do you know if Simon's coming back?" He asked. "No." I sighed. "So, you got all that mate?" Michael asked Zayn. "Yeah, so those five idiots drove his golf cart through a fence and in a pool, and you three bought too much food and now we're all in a fight." Zayn said.

"Some of us, I guess Ashton and Demi are discluding us, Jade and Luke, I don't know, Harry is just ignoring everyone, and Arizona and Liam hate each other." Calum shrugged.

"Wow." Zayn shook his head. Ella smiled at me but I gave her a glare and sat on the chair far away from her and Mariah. I guess everyone noticed because the room just got silent and awkward.

"Jade I'm sorry-" "Just don't, you didn't listen to Simon and got me in trouble. Maybe you should just think about others for once instead of acting like a mental five year old." I snapped at Ella. She put her head down as Mariah walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked. "To our room." Mariah said sharply and ran upstairs.

"I'm sorry okay? I know I was an idiot. I didn't know this would happen, I'm sorry." A tear fell down Ella's face and she ran into the den.

"Well great, now I look like a jerk." I sighed. "We don't think you're a jerk, we all just need to get over ourselves." Luke said. I put my head in my lap, "Like that will ever happen."

Demi's POV

"She just blames me for all of that! So does Liam! I don't get it, I just wanted to have fun!" Ashton ran his hands threw his hair as he paced the room. "Arizona always has to blame someone, she's my least favorite sister." I frowned.

"I already feel guilty, and they have to make it worse." Ashton sat down. "It was all our faults, not just yours. Besides, it's not like we're the ones who found the golf cart. That was Arizona." I sat beside him.

"Yeah, this her and Harry's fault! From what I've heard they're the ones who begged to drive it!" Ashton threw his hands in the air. "Are we gonna go and talk to the rest of them? Or are we mad that them." I asked.

"I guess I'm just not really mad at the other three, the rest I'm just afraid to talk to, they might yell at me." Ashton shrugged. "Let's just stay here and play foosball." I smiled. "Sounds good to me." Ashton grinned. "That's what I like about you, you're always trying to lighten the mood. One of the many reasons I love having you around." Ashton poked my cheek as I blushed.

"Thanks, you too."

Mariah's POV

I'm too angry to cry, why is Jade so mad? So yeah, we were stupid. But she isn't mad at any of the boys! It's not fair! Sighing, I looked around my room. It had white walls, white beds, gray bedding with five beds right next to each other. Simon said he would get it redecorated for us, but I guess that's not going to happen.

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