How I Married The Prince Of Hell Ch.10

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Chapter X: Suffering Reality or Painful Nightmare 

         I wanted to sleep but in my mind as soon as I closed my eyes I would see the image of Vivian jumping from the balcony into a lake of lava that would extinguish any soul that fell in, and as I remembered vividly what I had seen. Her last words really hit me and I wanted to find out if she was okay and I was just losing my mind from being back down here and not seeing her or even saying goodbye. Although I doubt that she would even want to see me since I did such a terrible thing to her by smashing our little piece of love that she had tried to keep alive, and I was really stupid to have done that when I knew deep down that I loved Vivian more than anyone or anything in this world. "King Lucifer...are you awake?" I could feel as the heavy pause caused my guard to come right away alarmed, "if I didn't answer that would mean I wasn't awake wouldn't it." They bowed and close the door but even so I could not sleep no matter how hard I tried the image of her crying was burned into my memory. That before I realized it, it was already dawn and the light from the crystal was shinning brightly as a contrast to the other night when I was in so much pain it changed completely to a blood red, and it seemed like everyone noticed it. I didn't feel like getting up at all so I just sat on my bed looking at the fire birds that landed on the balcony of my room, and then from among all those birds there was one white one that was odd. I stared at the bird the fire around it was not red or orange it was blue purple and its eyes were also purple, and then as the other birds flocked around it to make a tornado of fire birds. Something was happening inside that I couldn't see but it was beautiful, and then the birds flew up and disappeared into the light of the crystal and on my balcony sat Vivian, and I was too shocked. That I couldn't speak but before I could say something Vivian smiled at me so radiantly that it took my breath away, "hello...Luce I guess that no matter how hard I try I can't die...I really am a monster." I got up and walked towards the balcony and she extended her hand to me and it felt so warm and alive but at the same time I could not feel anything...she really was dead, "although others blame you for killing me in a way I will never blame you...I feel free and I can still see you." And with that Vivian's hand began to fade and slip away, and although I tried hard to hold onto her she suddenly fell down to the hot lava but as she fell she disappeared once again. But while she disappeared she shed some tears and smiled sadly, and I heard her say, "I love you...Luce," with that I sat at the floor feeling even more to blame for her death, and I felt like dying. 

POV: Reina

     "Lord Rayne!...LORD RAYNE!...I know you are listening so come on out...I need to talk to you, this is so stupid it won't work its really petty to even do this to begin with...I mean what if we break his heart and soul or something." I look around the dark and silent room until I see a dark mass build up, "are we starting to regret this evil plan...not only will you have his shattered pieces, but you will be his cure for his sudden insanity." I look at Lord Rayne not understanding anything at all, "what do you Prince Lucifer will not become broken and weak he is..." as I was going to finish Lord Rayne shouted. "SILENCE!..Seriously Reina what did you expect by making me go thru this for your sake, obviously you sold your soul to can call me the devil, but in the end who is the real monster here." I was so scared Lord Rayne must have used me but regardless it was too late to back down now, and it was the truth the one and only monster here was myself for being selfish and trying to break Prince Lucifer...the same way he had done to me. "What is your answer my dear Reina will you continue the game or watch your downfall as your 'Precious Prince Lucifer' looks at you with a disgusted face, and continues his life and meanwhile you rot away in your miserable lonely life." I know that he was trying to be harsh but deep down I knew that it hurt Lord Rayne more than it hurt me in hearing all of this, "very well forgive me Lord Rayne I...I will do what you say." His facial features went back to normal to the face of the Lord Rayne that I knew, and he had such a big smug smile that was so vexing, I couldn't help but smile as well. Then Kale came into my room, "Lord Rayne we have a problem..." I looked at Lord Rayne and then back at Kale who just stood at my door starring at each other in silence for a while, "may I come in Lord Rayne?" I was suddenly taken back since this was my room, "no you can't come in, this is my room and..." then Lord Rayne's voice echoed in my room, "Reina don't be rude this maybe your room, but I am your Lord so he has as much right as you do since its for your sake we do this." With that being said Kale came in and started to tell Lord Rayne that there might be some problems that we might have to deal with since there has been sudden suspicion of Lord Rayne still being able to enter the Castle despite being banished. But even so I know that he isn't here physically, Lord Rayne is too powerful for a mere contract banishing him to give up on becoming this Kingdoms King. Although Lord Rayne has already promised me to be the Queen to this Kingdom along with my beloved Prince Lucifer and I am so happy once I accomplish this mission to get my Prince Lucifer back, as I turned around back towards them. I noticed that they had been watching me as I was day dreaming about me being a beloved Queen sitting next to my king Lucifer, and being so happy that I could die but then again the one that's going to die here will be the oh so beloved and yet feared Queen Viviana. I then sit on my bed while I watch as they kept talking about boring issues and spies and other members of the Demon's Council Court that was onto Lord Rayne and his plan. After that Kale gave Lord Rayne a paper with some scribbles well it looked like scribbles to me but more than anything it looked like it had been a torn page from a book. As soon as Kale left I went towards Lord Rayne to ask what that was, "what's that piece of paper that Kale gave you my Lord it..." he turned back around and smiled at me, "it isn't any of your concern Reina, you just focus on getting my little brother to crack and you will get the crown and throne you deserve." I smiled and then Lord Rayne vanished without any more words or plans for me, "I guess there was not going to be a ghostly Vivian appearance today," is what I thought until Lord Rayne's voice echoed in my thoughts, "your wrong about that...get ready." And with that the last words trailed off as he laughed, and I had no choice but to get ready and put up a good act, "well that won't be hard Reina," I turned around to face a very familiar face in the doorway as he watched me. "Why are you in my room Zedrick," he laughed and I knew that he knew of our plans, "oh...a little bird told me that Lord Rayne was here or more like I knew he was in here, but why ask what I already know." I looked at Zedrick shocked and afraid of what he may know even though he was not part of our plan he seemed to know a lot more than I had thought considering that  the Queen herself didn't know. "So what are you going to tell your precious Queen that we are plotting to get rid of her?" He smiled so wickedly I was so shocked, "no, but you are right I should tell my Queen but then again Lord Rayne will get mad at you will he not." My jaw clenched as I held back my will to even hurt him since then I don't know what he will do when he is angry, "what do you want from me, so that I keep your mouth shut." His smile became bigger, "why don't you tell me what you might give me so that I may keep my mouth shut, and I don't want just any cheap contract made with you." I glared at him as his smile never faded and I knew that he wanted me to be his pet servant, "that's impossible...I...I already have given that contract to Lord Rayne...I can't take it back," his smile slightly faded for a second and then his smile returned, "well then that won't be a problem all you have to do is get that contract back from Lord Rayne or else I will tell the Queen herself and then I'll tell the Demon's Council." I was so scared that he would tell someone and then he began to laugh in a dark way that made me scared of him, "you know out of all of Lord Lucifer's concubines you were the only one that lasted more than 3 thousand years. I'm curious how did you manage to make Lucifer keep you as his number one concubine...tell me Reina." I was shocked that he had noticed I mean Prince Lucifer had dismissed all of his concubines within the Demon's Palace including myself when he supposedly married Vivian. But Prince Lucifer also felt sad for me therefore he decided to give me one last passionate night with him that I would never forget, but even before I knew that when he embraced me he did not love me. "Its none of your business have no right to ask me that either...I...I had hopes that he would come to love me the last time he embraced me," I looked at him but despite that his expression never changed. "Seriously you would think that I would fall for such a charade such as that one, for Hell's sake Reina who do you think you are talking to. Not only do I know every little trick you have schemed but also I was that same person you used to try and forget you beloved Lucifer." His words hurt me so much I mean I knew that I had used him before but he didn't understand that I was broken hearted at that time and that I just wanted to forget all about my beloved Prince. "So now you want me to be your pet to get revenge on me is that why you want the contract that practically means I would do anything for my sovereign even what I don't want...even to become a servant." His smiled looked a bit strange but only for a second and then it went back to a wicked grin, "yes...even for you to become my servant and do what I you better get that contract back from Lord Rayne...or you know what will happen." I glared at him and I could already imagine what Lord Rayne would say if any of our plans got revealed and even more if the Council members from the Demon's Council were to find out. I looked down for a long time and then I realized that I had been hesitating but eventually I gave in, "I...I understand I'll do as you say," he looked quite pleased. And then he lifted his hand and for a second I thought he might hurt me only to realize that he had pushed aside a strand of my curls, and he looked quite pleased at my reaction that he had such a broad smile. Then he caressed my cheek and neck and I wished that either Lord Rayne was here or Prince Lucifer would see me but while he touched me I felt sick and closed my eyes. When I opened them I could just feel a cool breeze go right thru me and his laugh echoing in my head, and it made me sick to the stomach to be betraying Lord Rayne like this and I felt so cold on the outside and on the inside, but regardless I got ready for another Vivian ghost haunting.

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