Nightmares are back

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I woke up from a dead sleep because Ally was screaming. She wasn't up, so I knew she was having a nightmare. I say up, and pulled her up to me. The screaming stopped and turned into her breathing heavy. I knew she was crying. I told her everything will be right that it was only a bad dream. Although we both know her dreams tell her what's coming. That's one of her gifts, being able to tell the future in her dreams.

My gift is that I can feel what everyone is feeling. Ally and I will have many gifts, I know this because were different from everyone else. Were both white wolfs and white wolfs are very powerful. Because were the first two in a thousand years we have more power than may white wolf that has ever lived.

" Tell me about it my love?" I asked her after she stopped crying.

She nodded her head and though about what to say. "There was blood everywhere, wolfs whimpering in pain, there was this big long growl and everyone around us stopped and looked. Another growl came , and everyone fell down. They looked to be dead. It started to rain and so we ran home. We stopped at the house and they had more big wolfs waiting for us. They started attacking us, you were surrounded, and your father jumped up and grabbed this wolf that was about to jumped on you... They had more wolfs come up to him , and they whipped him apart! That's all I seen, you woke me up before I seem more." Her voice shaking, and she was trying to control her breathing. she was shaking pretty bad...I hate seeing her like this!

" It's okay it was only a dream baby, I'm here. Calm down. Nothing can get you, your safe, and always will be. " I said whipping away her tears and killing her noise.

She smiled at my actions and blushed a light red. She stopped crying and she pulled me even closer to me. She was sitting on top of me pushing herself onto me. I wrapped my arms around her tight and didn't let go until she pulled away.

Once she pulled away she said that she wanted to tell my mom what was to come of her mate. I told her not too. That it will only make things worse once it happen, and that we don't even know when it will. She finally understood what I was saying and agreed not to tell her. I was happy about that. I knew if my mother would know she wouldn't let him go out that day. If it was his destiny, then there no fighting it.

We got up out of bed and walked into the kitchen. We seen two plated with turkey sandwiches and chips. I told her to get us some drinks while I grab the food. After she got us a bottle of water we ran into the living room to watch a movie and eat. I didn't want water but I didn't tell her what type of drink exactly so I didn't complain. We started watching The lion king as we ate.

" Oh fuck no!!! Who do you think you are !?" yelled John. He looked like he was pissed.

" I think I'm your soon to me alpha so watch that tone." I stated with a smile.

" Sorry." He said looking down at the ground. " She's gonna kill me" he said before he walked away.

We watched him go up the stares and when we couldn't see him no more we started laughing our asses off.

I got a text from my mom once we was done laughing.

--mom-- hey we need y'all to come back to the house and pack. We already had ally's parents pack her stuff and bring it over. Were moving into the new pack house tomorrow.

-- me-- okay, were on out way. love you.

I yelled for everyone to get down here, and there were here within seconds. I told then to pack there clothes and all they brought because we were going to my house to stay the night before we move. They left and went do as I said. While we waited for then to get done Ally and I started to pack up the food in the fridge to bring so it wouldn't go to waist. Once we were done with that we went go get our dirty clothes and put then in a bag. Then we were done. As soon as we sat down, they stared to walk down the satires.

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