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Last Minute Confession

High school is a place created by the devil

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High school is a place created by the devil. Evil teachers, snobby bitches, dumbass jocks who thinks about fucking snobby bitches. Then... there's you. Just the regular straight A student who keeps to herself. This was your last year of high school. You were forever gracious because no more snobby bitches, evil teachers, or dumbass jocks.... especially dumbass jocks. Though you were happy, you were somewhat disappointed. The reason... Keith Powers. Your all time crush, and acquaintance. You've known Keith since kindergarten. You two used to be best of friends. Unfortunately your friendship ended once high school and puberty hit. You still gaged a conversation with one another, but not much.

Gathering your belongings from your locker of four years, you saw Keith with his friends walking by. He glanced at you, sharing a wave. You smiled at him before going back cleaning your locker. "I'll catch with you guys later." you heard him say to his boys. "Ight, man, Don't be late. Got shit to do for our senior prank." his boy, Woody told him. He laughed. "I won't, bruh." "Ight bet." Woody exclaimed before leaving.

You didn't notice Keith was behind you before he cleared his throat, making you jump. "Yo...." you turned facing him, who had a smirk on his face. God you're so sexy... damn! "Boy, don't scare me like that." "My fault. At least I have your attention." he chuckled, flashing his gorgeous smile. Your heart sank to the bottom of your chest from his beautiful view. "So, what's up?" you asked, trying to keep cool. "Nothing.. just wanted to see how you were doing. We haven't really talked in a while." "I wonder why? Maybe... because you have your boys... you being the captain of the basketball team... leaving lil ol' me behind." you teased, placing your books in your bag.

"Yeah... I still would've made time to, you know, chill with you." "So... why haven't you then?" you asked, looking directly at him. "Ok, you got me on that one. I'm sorry."

"No need to be, Keith. Honest. You have a life." you explained. You were the type of person who saw the brightest of things. You think positive. By him not hardly ever speaking to you, it was the perfect opportunity to focus on yourself. And it paid off in the long run. "Yeah.. but it's like I've been missing something, though."

"Like what, exactly?" you asked. Keith looked at you with lust and compassion.

"Keithy, there you are." Veronica, the skankest of the skanks in this school popped out of nowhere. You rolled her eyes, upset that she ruined his chance to say something. Keith looked like if he was annoyed by her existence as well.

"Veronica. What's good?" he said with a dry voice. "Awe, baby.. aren't you happy to see me?" she moaned, playing with his ear.

"First..." Keith began saying as he pushed her hand away from him. "I'm not your baby. I'm not anything to you. Why are you here anyway? Don't you have clients to fuck?"

"May I remind you.. you were one of them, babes. You know... you should hang with me today. Instead of talking to this loser that's in front of me." Veronica scoffed, looking disgusted at your appearance.

"Yet, I'm not the one who basically called herself a hoe. But, nice try." you said, closing your locker door for the last time. "Was I talking to you, Y/N? No I wasn't. So mind your business." she spat, literally. You felt droplets of her salvia hitting the side of your mouth. Not to mentioned smelling her revolting breath.

You wiped the side of your mouth, glaring at her. "Please say your words without hosing people's faces with your nasty ass spit. And for the record, your dumbass said something about me. Did you not? So, it is my business."

"Whatever. So, Keith... wanna go get food?" her hungry ass touched the side of his shoulder, making him feel uncomfortable. You had the urge to snatch the horse tail of a weave off her head. "Think I'll pass. I gotta meet up with the bros. I'll see you around, Y/N." Keith said. He then left.

You gathered the rest of your things, walking away leaving the dumb bitch behind. "The last day cannot come soon enough." you sighed, getting inside your car before to head home.

It's been four hours since you arrived at home. As usual, you would finish your homework for the final time. Both parents were at work, so you had the house to yourself; going back and forth with your two best friends about Empire through texting. "I'm telling you, Cookie is not over him. It's obvious." Nicole texted. "I agree. It's that dick of his. Dick too good." Tierah exclaimed, with a eggplant on the side. You rolled your eyes, reading the text. "Their relationship is a fucking rollercoaster. I swear." you replied. You weren't really into the conversation. Instead, you wondered about Keith and what he was going to say before being rudely interrupted.

"Ooo. This season is going to be hell. I can see it now. I didn't think Tiana was that type to fight. But she snatched her weave. WEAK!" Nicole texted.

"Nessa couldn't fight for shit. I think Andre made her soft. Smh." Tierah replied.

"Y'all, can I ask you something?" you asked, fidgety while typing it.

"Is it about you know who?" Tierah sent with a smirk.

"Child you know it is.. that's who she talks about alll the time. What did Keith do now?" Nicole typed.

"We were talking. And before, he wanted to say something."

"And... that is?" Tierah interrogated.

"He didn't say. That skank Veronica walked her prancing ass over. Dumbfuck." you said with annoyance.

"Maybe it was nothing. I mean... y'all are friend still right?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah we are. But... his demeanor was different than usual." you explained. Just then, you heard someone ringing your doorbell. That's odd? I'm not expecting someone. Especially at this time of night.

"Hey... someone's at my door I'm going to check it out." you said before placing your phone on the bed.

You ran down the stairs, viewing a tall figure through the glass door. You were scared to see who it was, but if you don't answer, then ring the doorbell again. "Coming..." you shouted. You opened the door to see Keith Powers.

"H-hey! What are you doing here?" you stuttered, breathing heavily. "Y/N.. I can't take this." he said, walking pass you. "Sure.. you can come in." you joked, closing the door.

"Y/N... I've been holding this deep inside me for a long time and I can't hold it any longer. I don't want to leave high school and not let you know..."

"Know what exactly?" you were confused at his sudden outburst. "Listen, we've known each other for a long time. And...." he paused, looking down at his Tim's. "Yes we have been.. but it somehow plummeted down to just saying 'hey'." you recalled looking at him. Keith slowly held his head up, staring at you. He licked his lips before stepping closer making you lean again the cold wall.

He grabbed a hold of your leg, wrapping it around his waist. "Keith-" you were stopped by his lips touching yours...

To be continued

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