episode 23

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Sukhil : welcome Mr .mithun ...how was your journey??

Mithun : good ,by the way I'm happy to see u sir....

Sukhil : OK fine....show me your patterns ,and let me get some idea of making it...

Mithun : OK sure...wats your quotation??

Mr...mithun it takes much pain to workout your pattern so service charge will come under 50,000 for all your pattern...and the material (gold) which u brought is not enough for all ur design ,so it nearly we need to buy up to 2kilo ..again so overall cost I calculate and tell u later okay....

These are the words said by that girl(resemblance diya)...I could not believe that she is just a stuffed with all knowledge about business...
But this is also not a nature of my diya because she is zero in business knowledge.....hahaha...

When I suppose to give shake hand ,she just put her hands together and said"namaskar"....haha this is also not her nature...
Where ever I meet her ,she easily hug me and greet....as if my own girlfriend...

But the girl who is here...I dono about her ...I observed she is calling Mr.sukhil as "papa" hope she is daughter of  Mr.sukhil...

But may I know her name???

I asked her directly....she said her name "riya"...
What??? Riya

Oh god little similar to the name" diya".

Oh god something going on here....but something related to my diya...but no problem ..I just came here to get my designs ...I let do it...

One day passed just like that...
Mr.sukhil helped me In visiting some places like beach ,gateway , like that to visit and I went bazaar to purchase things...
Finally sukhil invited for dinner at his home...according to sukhil business is different and friendship is different..as soon as he saw mithun he thought of making him as his mappillai for his daughter ....but still he not convey about it..

Since sukhil doesn't know that mithun married..
He is going into imagination about.making him as mappilai...

Who can ignore mithun?? He is such a charming guy look so young and cute...so.....
Hope riya might like him..but how come our hero accept it...if it is happen shrithika will kick him out...haha haha...

Because shrithika love him like anything that everyone knows it right???.

What happens in the story guess??

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