The End Class

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The adult give his son a sheet of paper with a picture of a yellow octupus whose face has green stripes. Tokoyami looked at it with a blank face before looking at his father. "And why is this octopus teaching the E Class ?" He questioned.

"We don't know but what is interesting is that the class have to killing before March or else this thin is going to blow up the moon and the reward is 10 billion of yen. Since you are an assassin, you'la be transferring in the E Class and you, the Childish Devil is going to kill him so I'la get the money. Is that clear."

His tone clearly didn't let any choice to the boy so he only said "When did I start ?"


And this is how Rakuen Tokoyami got into Class E with the mission of assassinate his new teacher. 

???'s POV :

I came early to climb the mountain since it's tiring but I'm used to it by now. When I sat down, I turned to my left to speak with my green haired classmate Kayano Kaede. She has hazel eyes, and green hair which is always fashioned in unique, cat ear-styled pigtailsand she is shorter than me by 4 inches.

"Hello Nagisa-kun !"

"Hello Kayano-chan." I greeted back.

A few more students entered the classroom and we chatted for awhile until Karma-kun came and put an octopus with a knife in his head on Koro-sensei's desk. Everyone got to their seats and we could sense a gloomy atmosphere in the room. Our yellow octopus teacher opened the door and greeted us with his usual smile.

"Hello minna-san !"

Seeing that we didn't greet back and sensing the tension in the piece Koro-sensei asked us what was wrong only time cut himself when he noticed the dead octopus on his desk.

"Oh ! Gomen gomen. I killed that thing mistaking it for you. Hand it to me I'll dispose it." Said Karma with a mischievous tone.

Koro-sensei did as said but then hi disappeared one second to come with a missile and some ingredients. Later on, Karma had a takoyaki in his mouth that Koro-sensei prepared at Mach 20 speed, Karma spilled the hot takoyaki.

"I could tell by your palor that you hadn't eaten breakfast. With these you'll be well on your way to being nice and healthy. Say 'haa'." Karma was narrowing his eyes at Koro-sensei .

"My job is to tend things, to take care of them. So keep your hardest to kill me today. Everytime you do, I'll take care of you. By the end of the day, your body and mind will be polished to sparking !" Koro-sensei give his usual wide grin to Karma before starting the class. A few minutes later, Karasuma-sensei came into the classroom.

3rd person's POV :

"Sorry to disturb the class. I came to tell you that you'll have a new student, he was in Class A but got removed here."

Everyone in the class got the same reaction "Eeehhhhhh !"

"You can enter now." Said Karasuma-sensei.

The door opened to reveal a man with dirty blonde hair and light gold eyes and beside him was a boy with the same eye and hair color but this boy has also black hair and his left eye was covered by his fringe, he was also wearing a black outfit instead of the uniform of the school.

The door opened to reveal a man with dirty blonde hair and light gold eyes and beside him was a boy with the same eye and hair color but this boy has also black hair and his left eye was covered by his fringe, he was also wearing a black outfit in...

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Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now