Lady Suzie and Her Missions with BooBoo Bear

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BooBoo was an underdot spy to!! Booboo was on his way to the mission also. now Lady Suzie didn't know that BooBoo was going to do the mission with her! so they sat down together and they talked about where they were going. they were going to the HUMAN WORLD! (DUN DUN DUUUNN!!) Lady was soo scared she wet her clothes and had to change on their way their! BooBoo was not scared not even one bit! when they arrived they saw dancing monkeys everywhere! BooBoo got hit with a few Banana peels so when BooBoo got mad he threw the banana peels back at the monkeys and ran off. A few hours later lady suzie and booboo went to the house they were suppose to stay in till they had to leave. after a few hours of getting settled they went to sleep. in the day time something didn't seem right to BooBoo and lady suzie. a few minutes later BooBoo  screamed! "ahhhhhhhhhh" "help!!!!!!!!!!!!" " suzie!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2014 ⏰

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