Chapter 2: The Aptitude Test

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A woman waits for me inside. Dauntless. I can tell by her clothing and a glimpse of the profile view of a tattoo behind her neck.

Mirrors. Again. Each wall is a mirror. I am dazed by the multiple reflections of myself. In the centre of the room is a chair- a thoroughly underwhelming sight in comparison to the huge machinery it is placed next to. "What's going to happen to me?" I ask. As soon as I say the words I feel like I have broken the silence with my loud voice. It's a Candor trait. I say what I want to say.

"It isn't painful. Have a seat. I'm Tori," says the woman. Her voice is low and reassuring. I obey her and gaze at the wires of the machines in her hand. She attaches two electrodes to my forehead and one to her own. "Drink it," she says, passing me a vial of what looks like water.

"What will it do?"

"Trust me."

I am hesitant but I do it and my eyelids draw shut.

I open them but I am in the school cafeteria. Bewildered by the change of scenery I blink to adjust myself. I don't see Tori anywhere. I am all alone. In front of me is a table with two baskets- one containing a block of cheddar and in the latter lies a dagger.

An unfamiliar female voice blooms out of nowhere. "Choose one."

"What for?"

"Choose one," she repeats. My question is dismissed. I take a few seconds to think.

I have never held a knife so sharp in my hands before. The cheese is what I am drawn to but the blade is what I pick. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it has to do with my want for bravery.

I hold the dagger and turn and what I see is a large hound snarling with its teeth bared. My heart skips a beat. I can't escape. I look at the dagger in my hand. I can't bring myself to hurt the dog. I stand still doing nothing. I don't know what to do. I suddenly hear a child's voice.

The dog belts for her. I hear her scream. I can't use the dagger but I have to protect her. I leap and wrap my arms around it to prevent it from hurting the girl. Just as I feel its fangs near my neck I fall to the ground as if it was never there to begin with. I look around for the girl but she is nowhere to be seen either.

I stand up. I am alone in the testing room but the mirrors don't show my reflection. Is it over? I walk to the door and push it to reveal the hallway. But it isn't the hallway. Instead I am on a bus. I see a scarred man reading the paper. He points to a picture of a man on the front page, under the title "Murderer Apprehended". "Do you know him?" he snarls at me.

I don't- at least I don't think I do. Yet, a heavy feelings of guilt engulfs me. I feel like I do know this person, but I can't bring myself to say it. I'm not sure why, but I get the feeling if I say the truth something dangerous would happen to me. The man's face inches closer to mine. "Do you?!" he shouts. I feel a bead of sweat falling down the arch of my back. I don't know what to say. I should say the truth. I should say the truth. I should say the truth.

I can't help it.

"No." I say.

"You liar!" his raspy voice screams. "You do!"

I can still say the truth. I can be honest. But I can't do it. I can not bring myself to say it. "I don't!" I shout back with a gasp. "I'm sorry. Leave me alone!" I cry.

I wake back to reality, in the chair. Tori's face looms above mine and she removes the electrodes.

I sit up straight, awaiting my results.

Tori sets the wires and then comes in front of me.

"Well?" I say apprehensively, still in a state of confusion and a pang of guilt.

"Albert, the test helps you decide which faction you should choose by informing with which one's your traits match the most. This is done by placing you in a series of situations, eliminating certain faction based on the choices you make."

I nod.

"Choosing the cheese is a sign of Amity. You chose the dagger which is a Dauntless choice.

Submitting to the hound is the most logical option to protect yourself- a sign of Erudite, which you did not do, thus cancelling it out.

When the girl came, your first instinct was to protect her. You threw yourself on the dog which is an Abnegation or Dauntless response.

When the man asked you whether you knew the man in the paper, saying the truth is an Abnegation or Candor oriented response- which you didn't do. This cancelled out both the factions. Your result, by process of elimination is therefore Dauntless."

I need a minute to process this information. I lied. I deviated from the value I have been taught my whole life. I am not Candor. I am Dauntless. My emotions are blurry. I'm not sure what to make of them.

"You still have a choice. My advice to you is to think things through. You know yourself the best," Tori says to me. Once again, I nod my head and then proceed to exit the room.

Dauntless. The word feels foreign, yet natural on my lips. Tori's right. I have a lot to think about.

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