13. Was it just an illusion?

Start from the beginning

"Wasim? What on earth made you even bring him up? You're weird, Samiha, I won't lie," he said.

"I don't know. I think maybe I heard him tell you how lame you were last night?" I said, totally making that up.

"Really Samiha? He was, unlike you, actually praising me on how I'm handling your wedding arrangements," Saamih said, and leaned over to snatch my bowl of cereal. I pulled it out of his reach.

"Go get your own, lazy bones," I said.

"Why should I when I can just take yours?" He replied, and made a swipe again, successful in grabbing my bowl this time.

"SAAMIH!" I bellowed. I started hitting his arm.

"Your hits are so lame, I actually feel as if you're trying to tickle me and failing miserably," he said, laughing at me.

"Saamih, you're such a pain! And it's not my fault you're made of rock!"

"I'm not made of rock, it's all muscle. Your bro is just too awesome for you, face it!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Um, let's see. I need a nice comfy bed and a nice warm duvet with some comfortable pillows," he said.

"Saamih, I really can't believe you're 26 years old. You're such a kid! And you're rubbing off on Samaah, she'll become like you in no time if she continues hanging out with you!" I told him.

"See, unlike you, she accepts the fact that her brother is not only amazingly handsome and awesome, but also great company, so she likes to hang out with me. You on the other hand," he scrunched his nose at me and waved his hand at me in a dismissing manner, "are too deep in denial to accept the reality of your brother."

"In your dreams," I told him.

As we continued bickering, I realised how much I was going to miss Saamih. I didn't want to leave him. He was always there to cheer me up, besides Samaah. I had grown accustomed to his lame jokes, his teasing and his shrewd remarks. The best thing about him was that I could always rely on him. He could be very serious when he wanted to, but when it was time for jokes, he went all out.

"I'm going to miss you, munchkin," he told me, patting my head, as though he read my mind.

"Munchkin? What happened to calling me Granny Grumps?" I joked.

"I thought maybe I've bullied you enough for the day. Let me be sweet now. But if you insist, I can go back to -"

"No!" I interrupted. "Anyway, what were you saying earlier on?"

"I'll really miss you two. A lot! What's worse is both of you are going away at the same time. At least if you got married first, I'd still have Samaah," he said. That earned him a pinch from me. Saamih could never be just sweet. Every sweet remark he made had to be topped up with his typical insults. But that's what made Saamih, Saamih and I really did love my brother.

"Ouch! What was that for? You are so violent, taubah!" He said, rubbing his arm.

"Oh, and I thought you said my hits felt like my miserable attempts to tickle you?" I said, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah, that is true. They are like miserable attempts to tickle someone. Don't try them on your hubby. You'll embarrass yourself," he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Go dig a grave, Saamih. You'll give me a migraine before this dreadful day even begins properly," I said, shooting him a dirty look.

"Oh and here comes Granny Grumps again. I wondered what you did with her," he said and laughed.

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