Johnlock Texts

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A/N: We're extremely sorry about this. TRIGGER WARNING. We suck. -AK

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

12:24 AM

John, I need to ask you something. -SH

12:23 AM

Yeah, sure. What is it? -JW

It's pretty late, Sherlock. -JW

12:25 AM

Okay. Hypothesize. This is a hypothesis. Completely. -SH

12:25 AM

Okay... Alright go ahead. -JW

12:26 AM

What if, say, I told you that I had cheated on you? What would you say? -SH

12:26 AM

.... -JW

12:26 AM

I haven't, of course. I love you too much. -SH

I do. I love you a lot. -SH

Hello? -SH

I'm becoming increasingly worried you took that literally. -SH

12:29 AM

I would ask if it was worth it, hurting me. If you regretted what you did, and why you did it. -JW

I love you too.-JW

What's this all about, Sherlock? -JW

12:29 AM

Oh. It's just that I was thinking about it. It seemed like a unique topic of conversation. -SH

12:29 AM

Definitely unique. -JW

12:30 AM

What if it was something I couldn't control? Hypothesize that it was an accident. -SH

12:30 AM

Are you sure that everyhing's alright Sherlock?-JW

12:30 AM 

Or a mistake. Just something uncontrollable. -SH

12:30 AM 

Sherlock, you're scaring me.-JW

12:30 AM 

No, everything's fine. Promise. Don't assume I've cheated on you from just that. I'd never. Not capable of it. -SH

Just hypothesize. -SH

Do it, please. -SH

12:31 AM


12:32 AM

John, why aren't you answering? -SH

John? -SH

Oh. Never mind. Thought you weren't answering. -SH

12:32 AM

I'm just... really confused. This is a very awkward topic of conversation.-JW

12:33 AM

Just hypothesize, John. Let's say that someone cheated on you, but it wasn't their fault. -SH

Well, it was. But they just couldn't help themselves. -SH

12:34 AM

Okay, so if someone willingly cheated on me because they "couldn't control it?" I'd be completely and utterly pissed off. -JW

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