~30.Guns And Broken Hearts~

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My eye lids fluttered opened and my head started to throb. The cuts on my arms had a searing pain from the pointy tip of the cold hard knife. Blotches of crimson red blood spotted the floor in sporadic dots. The smell of metallic irony blood filled the empty cellar. A blaring pain surrounded my head resulting in a now irritating headache.

All of the sudden, memories started to flash in my brain consisting of yesterday's events. He had pierced my arms opened with a weapon and left me to bleed out until I was almost dead. His cackles echoed around in my head from my discomfort to the pain.

Thankfully, I haven't lost my sanity. Yet.

   Three days later

He hasn't come for me yet. Maybe he is having trouble finding my location? I haven't broken by Johnathon's brutal wrath and I don't plan to any time soon although, what he is doing to me now is starting to mess with my head.

Hopefully Xander gets me out of here soon. I miss him.

   A month and a half later

Dark purple and blue bruises are scattered about my body. My black tank top is now torn into tatters and is drenched in my own blood. The shackles that held my From the ceiling have been moved to the floor, now cuffing my feet to the ground which is slightly more comfortable even though my arms ached from being hung from the ceiling so long.

My stomach let out a loud growl from being deprived of food for about a week and a half. If I was lucky, I would get fed a piece of bread and a small cup of water. Most of the time, I would have the air to just breathe into. There was a small window in the corner of the room which had some sunlight creeping in. To pass the time, I would count the cracks in the walls so I wouldn't lose my mind.

Sometimes I think about Xander and his thick brown locks and his crystal blue eyes that always made my legs wobble. I also thought about Teresa and how much of a mother she had become for me and Nick being my biological father. Even though Leona and I hadn't been on the best terms, I missed her deeply and wanted my best friend back.

My eye lids became heavy and I started to drift off into a deep on the dirty ground.


A cold and hard substance was smacked against my face to wake me up.

A butt of a pistol.

My eyes had shot up almost immediately and noticed one of my siblings holding me at gun point. Her almost charcoal black eyes seething into my soul and her jet black hair tied back into a slick and neat ponytail. The pale skin she had only made her look even more intimidating but her eyes showed sadness as she pointed a loaded pistol to my forehead.

"Melina, what is the point of all this?" I ask with a very dry groggy voice. My voice sounded dry from the lack of water in my system.

"Scarlet you damn well know why I'm holding you at gun point right now. Get your ass up before I make bullets rain." She ordered while roughly nudging my jaw with the butt.

When I made no effort move, she kicked my stomach, causing me to roll over and groan in pain. Her combat boot slapping against my exposed stomach sent an urgent pain to the rest of my body.

"I can't get up." I sighed quietly with my eyes trained to the ground.

She shuffled towards me and crouched down to my level which was on the floor. Melina shoved a hand into her pocket and dug out a napkin with a piece of bread inside. Her piercing dark pupils making eye contact with my broken caramel brown irises. There was an unexpected emotion flashing across the pair of eyes- pity. Self pity and the pity she felt towards me. She tossed the napkin to me effortlessly and rose from her squatting position.

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