Gypsy's Lullaby Chater Five

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Gypsy's Lullaby

Part Five

"Luana, I know it must be hard to wonder what's going on but i beg of you. Don't seek answers in the woods. It's a dangerous place, especially for you." Adela claimed.

It was like she knew what i wanted. These answers were not going to just fall out of the sky. I sighed nodding my head towards her. Even if i was going to get into the forest, I needed to get out of here first. Another smile appeared below her small petit nose. She stood over me offering a hand as i took it rising to my feet. I handed her the musical box when she shook her head telling me it was a gift. I gladly took it, stuffing it in my bag.

I had followed her outside as the wind blew across my face. My hair flew into my face momentarly blinding me from what was in front of me. I pulled my hair back with my finger as i stared into the wavying field of grass that seemed to flow like the calm ocean. Adela has coughed grabbing my attention as i made my way in her direction. She raised her hand sweeping it across the front of her as a gust of wind blew harder against me. I gripped my eyes closed waiting for another strong breeze to almost push me over. But as fast as it came it was gone. A soft cold chill brushed against my hand as i opened my eyes to find myself on the sidewalk of my small little town. The mall off in the distance and my house waiting for my return to my right. I turned in circles hoping to find Adela next to me only to find myself alone. What the hell just happened? Did i blackout?

A buzzing feeling vibrated in my pocket, telling me that my phone was going off. I pulled it out and flipped it open seeing six missed calls and enough text messages from Jill to fill my inbox. Another sigh escaped my lips as i traveled to my front door awaiting the mouth fill that was coming my way.

After an hour of sitting on the couch listening to Jill and Louis whine about how i didn't answer my phone, i finally got to enter my room. I checked the clock sitting on my bedside table and remembered i didn't touch my homework. I threw my bag on the bed when suddenly a soft melody went off in my napsack. The music box? I causiously approached my bed as i reached a hand over and quickly opened my bag as the box fell out onto my comforter continuing to play.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself. The box wasn't even open and the lid was sealed shut. How was the music playing? I grabbed the box. I need to get rid of this thing. It was bad enough i was dreaming of this song during my sleep walking, i didn't need to hear it while i was awake. I raced over to my window and froze. Off across the the fence that separated me from the park, a pair are glowing yellow eyes stared straight into my window. My eyes locked onto them as the color turned from yellow to red. After a few seconds another pair popped right next to the other, and then another. What was going on? The music grew louder as more and more eyes appeared in the dark.  There was something out there. What was it?

A sudden knock caused me to scream as Louis entered the room in a hurry to see me with my arms wrapped over my head.

"What's wrong? Luana, what are you doing?" He questioned me confused.

I stood up straight letting my arms drop down by my sides. The box has stopped playing, becoming silent in my hands. I turned swiftly to stare out of my window. Not one pair of eyes could be seen in the dark. What's happeneing to me? Was i seeing things? "Nothing. Sorry, you...just startled me is all."

"Um, alright then. Are you hungry? Jill brought leftovers from our night out. We could heat them up for you if you like."

"No..." I shook my head. Food was the last thing on my mind at the moment. "I'm alright. I think i'm just going to do my homework and get some sleep."

He understood as he said his goodnights and closed my door again. I moved to my bag grabbing my books and sat at my desk. I set the music box in the bottom drawer of my desk and left it there. That where it will stay til the morning. I couldn't have this thing messing with me. I finished the rest of my work as i got ready for bed. I took one glance out of my window to see nothing, just calm darkness across the tall fence. This was not going to vest me. Nothing will change. I will keep my mind clear and not take one step in that forest. I turned off my table night and laid my head down on my soft pillow forcing my eyes closed.

Before my mind went blank and let me drift to sleep, my eyes were shot open. My ears were ringing with a sound i was all too fimilar with. I stared at my desk, at the bottom drawer as the melody started to play once again. I jumped from my bed as i backed away from my desk that sat right next to my bed. Why? Why are you going off now? The music grew louder and louder as i had backed away right into my window. I quickly turned to find that the eyes staring at me before had returned. Though this time there were only a few of them, they had come back. Why? Why was this happening. I backed away from my window as the music grew louder only for a few seconds then softly faded. The song disappeared and silence spread through the room. I sat at the top of my bed. My legs hugged up to my chest as i wrapped my arms around them. I searched each corner of my room. I knew i was alone in my room, but i sure as hell wasn't the only one awake at this hour. I turned my attention to my window. The trees outside dancing with the winter's wind cast playful shadows on my floor.

This was the first time in my life that i knew i wasn't getting any sleep. As i continued to sit there with what felt like forever, my alarm clock went off signaling me it was seven in the morning. I had not gotten any sleep since my first attemp at ten last night. The song had played six times during the eternal night.

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