A day at the park

Start from the beginning

Does he fancy me? No, that can't be, he just shared a bed with Lexy! And after that he acted so weird around Youé.. youé is hot, i have to admit that. But she's Liam's. Louis is acting a little weird this day, maybe it's just because he hadn't enough sleep last night. He came to my room because he couldn't sleep and curled up against my chest, just like he did now. We are true best-friends, made for each other. But if he fancy's me.... and i don't love him back... that would break his heart. Louis is not like me, if somebody breaks his heart, he's broken himself, doesn't come out of his room, cries a whole river. i hate it to see him like that, hate the girl who did that to him. But what if it's me this time?

Wait, maybe it's not me who he fancy's? But he blushed at me whenhe said it, so it's kinda obvious. No, it can be some random girl at the park, but Louis never blushes like that, and this time he was just with me, did i make him blush?

THIS IS SO CONFUSING! We have still 10 days to enjoy our holiday, after that we're going to start out tour. The first destination is... LAURA'S PLACE! i don't know if she likes it, but she can speak Dutch, so she can comunicate with everyone there. 

When we told her she could join us on stage in America, she didn't want to but we kinda forced her. She had stage fright, but now she loves it to perform, so she joins us on tour. We're still One Direction, but we're One Direction ft. Laura Stone! She was so happy when our manager told her she could join us on the next tour too. So when perform in the NL, she can speak to all the fans and translate it for us, how nice!

"Haz! Come here!" Laura screams. i look at Louis he's sleeping, how cute. I have to stop thinking like this. I have a huge smirk on my face. I lift Louis up, he's not heavy, not at all, walk with him to the grass and lay him down. Then run to Laura. "What's up, babe?" i ask her and she pouts. "I want to climb in this tree, but I'm to small!" she says and i grin, she is verry small, but that's just cute. I get it and grab her waist, lift her up. He has not shoes and but climbs into the tree verry elegant. i remember, she used to take gymnastics lessons back  home. I smile and look up, holding hands for my eyes, blinking against the fell sun. Then i get and idea. "Wait a sec, I'm going to get the camera" i say and run to Liam and Youé who are bussy in a make-out sesion. I lift up Youé and sit down, her on my lap. She glares evily at me. "Haz?" Liam asks, irritated. I chuckle. "where's the camera?" i ask and he sighs, takes the camera out of Laura's bag and hand it to me. i kiss Youé on the cheeck and lift her up bride style, handing her to Liam. She rolls her eyes and Liam chuckles, their faces connect again. Love birds.

I run to the tree again and Laura is hanging upside down in the tree. "LAURA, YOU'RE GOING TO FALL DOWN!" Zayn screams, running to us. He went to buy a bottle of coke i think, because he returned with one. She laughs and grabs a branch and moves in a impossible way between the branches. She's way to flexible. Her back bands backwards and her hair hangs down. Then she's up again, sitting on one of the branches, she looks like an angel. This is why I tried to kiss her when we first mett, she's an angel. I gaze at her and Zayn raises and eyebrow. "Haz, like what you're gazing at, MY girlfriend" he says and slaps me on the back. I take the camera and she smiles, i take a picture.  Then some hair escapes from behind her ear and she pushsit back, I take another picture, it's beautiful. She's wearing jump suit, a white one with small colored flowers. It makes her eyes stand out even more, she glares at me for a second and i take another picture. She turns around to climb higher. I chuckle and take another picture. 

"This is by far the best one" i say and Zayn slaps the back on my head. It's a picture from her bum. i can't stop laughing and Zayn rolls his eyes, walks to the tree and climbs in it too. i take a picture from his back and run away, looking for more things I can put on picture. Youé and Liam are still bussy in their kiss-session so i walk to them slowly, taking 2 pictures. i chuckle and run away, then i see Louis lying on the ground, still sleeping. I take a picture from his relaxed face, then i kneel down next to him and lay down too. i hold the camera in front of his face and smile, take a picture. His eyes flutter a little and then open. "Haz?" he asks, still half a sleep. "Smile" i whisper and he shows a tired smile. i take another picture and then lay the camera away. I lay on my back and watch the blue sky. Then suddenly Louis moves and lays his head on my chest, sighs pleased. I lay my hand on his hair and begin playing with it. 

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