06| nightmares

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 if you can't wake up from a nightmare, maybe you're not asleep. '


   THE ROPES restrained the girl from moving

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   THE ROPES restrained the girl from moving. As she opened her eyes, little spots of black and white obscured her vision as she attempted to determine where she was. The slightest movement created friction on her arms which made the ropes dig further into the tissue of her skin. A quiet whine escaped her mouth as she began to scan her surroundings. She was in the middle of nowhere, tied to a ginormous tree. The bark jabbed into her back as she squirmed in hopes of getting free.

 "It's no use." The girl whipped her head up, sending her raven hair flying. Through the curtain of hair, she could barely make out who was standing in front of her. A man with steel blue eyes approached her, a sinister smile growing on his unusually pale face.

  "Where am I?" the girl hissed through her clenched teeth. She could still see the multicolored dots in her peripheral vision, making her eyesight bleary. The girl's fingers clamped themselves into fists, her knuckles turning white and scraping against the dry bark. Her head throbbed, almost as if her skull was waiting to detonate. Her lips stuck together and she struggled to pull them apart as her mouth grew parched by each passing second.

 "It doesn't matter," replied the man, his voice growing lower and almost coming out as a growl. "You won't be surviving this." A dry sob escaped the girl's lips and she began to wriggle against the tree, her elbows becoming scraped as she twisted harder.

  "Please," she begged. "If you let me go, I promise to never tell anyone!" Her voice began to crack and tears dribbled down her cheeks into her parted mouth. The man approached her and grabbed her by her chin. Her breathing grew intense and she struggled to not pass out.

 "What's your name?" He asked, his breath blowing on to her face. She grimaced at the smell and managed to avert his gaze. She wouldn't answer to him. He grew impatient and jerked her chin, causing a burst of pain in her jaw. "Answer me," he snarled, his dull nails digging into her complexion.

  "Mary," she said in a breathless whisper. He released her chin and the girl's neck became slump. He began to laugh, and the girl knew that she would remember the man's laugh in her nightmares. It was coarse and rough, but nonetheless, it still sent shivers down her spine. That laugh would haunt her sleep for years to come.

 "What's so funny?" she demanded, her temper rising. Her hands started to pick at the ropes, pulling pieces of twine apart from each other. He didn't notice her fingers working and she quietly thanked whoever was watching over her.

 "It's ironic! You're a virgin and your name is Mary." He chuckled and bent down, picking up a gas canteen. He unscrewed the cap and and picked up the container. She could hear the gasoline sloshing in the canteen, making her stomach churn. What was he going to use it for?

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