Chapter 6: Mr. Solo

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    The paramedics put Aunty Leia on a stetcher.

    "Move out of the way, move out of the way."

Jyn was in shock.

   "Jyn, Jyn!" Cassian runs to Jyn.

Jyn's face turned to Cassian.

   "Come on, you have got to focus."

Jyn breathes in and out.

   "Okay?" Cassian grabs Jyn's hand.


Cassian drags Jyn to the ambulance.


    As they sit in the ambulance, Jyn stares at Aunty Leia, who was not breathing.

Jyn starts to cry.

Cassian who was sitting across her trying to help Aunty Leia then focuses on Jyn.

   "Hey Jyn! You have got to snap out of it and listen to me!"

Jyn wipes her tears.

  "Okay, okay."

  "Great, now do you know anybody related to Aunty Leia? Her husband, son or daughter, anyone?"

  "She has an ex-husband and a son. But, I don't have their number or know where they are."

"Do you know their names'?"

"Uh, no."

Cassian sighs.

Jyn looks down.

The paramedics were doing their best to help Aunty Leia.


They arrive at the hospital.

It was blurry for Jyn. It was like the world moved in slow motion. Nurses running, loud noises, doctors coming in and out.

"JYN!" Cassian grabs Jyn's hand and holds it.

"Listen to me Jyn. You have got to focus. She will die if you don't help! Now come here and help me!"

Jyn inhales and exhales.

"Alright! I can do this."

The nurses come running to the ambulance and take Aunty Leia out to the emergency room.

Cassian and Jyn were just beside them.

They then brought her into the surgery room.

"Get me Doctor Rey and Doctor Dan, Now." One of the nurses said to another nurse in dark blue.

The nurse nods.

I thought Rey wasn't working today. Thought Jyn.

Rey comes running towards Aunty Leia.

"What happened?" Rey was sweating.

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