chapter 13- Friendship ?

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Friendship ?

Cole's POV:

I ran towards the reception to ask about where Nate is admitted. "Can you tell me in which room is Natalie Williams admitted?" I asked the old lady sitting at the reception. "Wait a minute sir." She checked through her computer then asked "At which time was she admitted here?" "Umm a few minutes before?" I said.

She frowned and said, "But no patient has been admitted here from 4 hours." I frowned and then it click me. THE BLOODY CALLER LIED TO MEIT WAS ALL A REVENGEI left the hospital, angry as hell and drove towards the place I know she would definitely be. 

I pulled over into Sophia's place and knocked or more like banged on her door. As soon as the door was opened I started shouting like a mad person but instead was stopped when a hand clamped my mouth shut. "Would you shut up for a minute?" Nate said and I instantly shut my mouth. She took my hand and pulled me outside with her.

"Now tell why were you shouting like a madman in there?" She asked. "Why did you do this with me? It was such a cruel joke you know? I was worried that something serious might have happened to you. Why did you have to do this?" I asked her.

"What have I done? I haven't done anything." Nate said. "Stop playing such jokes Nate you and I both know what you have done do you have any idea how worried I was? What would have I done of something was to happen to you?" I said. "But I swear I didn't do anything." She said. "You weren't the one who called me and told me that you had an accident?" I asked

"No! Why would I do this?" "Then who was the one who called me?" "I don't know and why were you even worried about me? You should have been happy that I was finally out of your way. Actually I am out of your way now. You have already destroyed my reputation then why care now?" She asked or more like cried.

"Because I LIKE YOU and I wasn't the one who destroyed your reputation instead I asked him to delete the video. I never wanted to destroy your reputation. Yes I agree that I wanted to take revenge from you but not in this way. When I saw that video all plans of revenge flew away. At that time I realized that I like you. I like you a lot Nate." I confessed.

"Stop it Cole. It's no use now. Do you even hear yourself? What are you talking about? Do you even know the meaning of like? So stop this shit about liking me and about that video fine I believe you that you didn't leak it but then who did this? And its no use now whoever leaked it the bottom line is, I HAVE LOST EVERYTHING, MY DREAM, MY HOPE, MY EVERYTHING. Its no use now whosoever leaked it. Just go away Cole. Just please go away I lost everything, I lost this battle. I'm tired now." She said with tears in her eyes. I haven't ever seen her in this way.

"Nate believe me or not, but I feel for you what I haven't felt for anyone for a long time. I like you a lot you believe me or not and I promise you Nate that I will help you gain your reputation back and find that person who is behind all this. I swear Nate I will prove to you that I like you and I will win your heart." I said and walked away from there without looking back. Now I will only return to her when I have a plan. A plan to win her heart. A plan to give her all back that's been taken from her.

Nate's POV:

As soon as Cole left I slumped on the ground and cried my heart out. I realized while fighting with him that I have lost everything. At first I lost my love, then I lost my job, I lost the battle with Cole and now I even lost my dignity. I am a failure. I just want to end my life right now.

After crying for I don't know how much time I got up and went to my home. At reaching home I closed the door shut and went towards my room ignoring the stares my parents were giving to me. Closing my room door shut I slid on the ground and again the waterfall began. Now I don't have anything. My dreams, my ambitions everything is crushed now.

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