1.19.5 | Between Trust & Safety

Start from the beginning

She was right to question that. "I needed someone to see that, okay? Now, please, drop this?"

She turned around to see Khushi's back in the distance and she scoffed. "Her again. Seriously? I don't get it."

I offered last piece of information, "Amanda, you shouldn't be so keen on trusting rumors. You know my reputation with girls and she knew you deserved better so she made me promise I'd never hurt you. She was always your friend." Her eyes widened on learning that and I added simply because I felt she needed to know, "Nothing happened with her and after this, I'm sure nothing will either."


"I have my reasons. Just, don't tell her?"

She didn't understand my request but nodded. At least, any ill thoughts she had brewed against Khushi were put to rest. At least, I could do one final thing for Khushi though she would never know of this.

I nodded back at her to express my gratitude and walked away.

. . . ∞ . ∞ . ∞ . ∞. . .

Lavanya questioned the second she saw me enter the foyer, "Why do you look like hell?"

I dropped the façade I had been holding in since I left campus and spent the last twenty minutes driving here. I crossed the distance between us and embraced her tightly. The one person I was always able to turn to at my hour of need.

Beyond concerned, she asked. "Arnav? What did you do?"

"What I had to." I muttered as tears escaped my eyes. If I had seen the look in Khushi's eyes as it had happened, it would have hurt more.

She expressed her disapproval, "Why do you do this to yourself? It helps no one."

I pulled away from her to sit myself on the couch, "It does if it keeps people away from me." I had to push Khushi away before I let myself care for her anymore.

She argued coming to sit next to me, "Wouldn't it help them better if you just tell them the truth?" When I didn't answer, sure that I had done what was necessary, she challenged. "Arnav please, have you thought of how you will live with yourself knowing you've hurt her?"

I glanced sideways in shock.

She rolled her eyes, "Give me some credit, alright? I am your best friend. What your uncle did was personal and wrong, I agree, but it's not hard to tell it got more personal because you're afraid she'd get involved. You know, I can't decide if I should envy her or be grateful."

Envy her?

She continued speaking softly, "I want to envy her because she caught your attention - something no one has ever been able to do. She gets to you in a way you don't let anyone get to you. And grateful, because, without even doing anything or knowing it herself, she manages to bring out this side of my best friend - the one side he works so hard in keeping secluded from the world."

I continued to remain silent for I cannot deny this and lie to Lavanya but neither can I bring myself to admit it.

She sighed at my reluctance and voiced out her thoughts. "Arnav, me and di, all we want is for you to be happy. Stop denying yourself that chance when you have it right in front of you. Not everyone is as lucky as you are. You have the world's best sisters and an adorable little son. Now, you've found her too. Don't throw it all away because you are scared of what your uncle would do if he found out. You know you're capable of taking care of us all and still be with us without having to change who you are, without hiding your true feelings. You don't have to distance yourself and became as ruthless as him to fight him. Be better."

My hand rests atop her knee, "La, I truly am lucky to have a friend like you in my life who cares for me this much but some things are not as easy to do as it is to say them. Sure, maybe I can keep us all safe but not now. In some years, maybe. But for now, it is my choice to not involve anyone in my life's messes. The less people who care, the better for them."

"Better for them or better for you?"

"It's the same." I argued.

She denied, "No. Huge difference. One makes you a coward while the other makes you selfless and right now... I'm not too sure you were being selfless."

I glared at her for calling me a coward.

She scolded, "That does not scare me, Arnav. I'm telling you what is. You are afraid to let yourself care for someone." She paused to rectify, "No, not just care... you know its more and it scares you. That is why you pushed her away and that is something cowards you. So, don't try to make this out to be a selfless act by saying you did what was best for her."


She pulled away from me, "No, Arnav. Months ago, when I told you to fix your mistakes, no way did it mean I was giving you permission to go and make a bigger one. But now that you did act rashly, I hope you'll be ready to face the consequences because it doesn't end here."

Having expressed her disapproval, she walked away leaving me plenty to think about. Was she right?

. . . ∞ . ∞ . ∞ . ∞. . .

| . . . A U T H O R - N O T E . . . |

This part with Amanda, I tried to actually write it out instead of it being implied like before. Arnav & Khushi will actually be talking about it (eventually). And I'll say it again... I love Lavanya. Repeat after me?

Haha, thanks for all your support you guys <3 Encourages me, really!

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