He first meets you (Another version)

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You first meet. (Another version)

Your P.O.V 

I walking and I decided to take a break because I got really tired. I went into starbucks because I wanted a mocha. At first I don't see anyone else in the store. I'm sitting down drinking my mocha and I was on my iPhone checking my instagram. I look up to see these two guys come in. One had blonde hair and he was wearing a jeans and a polo shirt. The other one had curly brown hair and was wearing a black v-neck shirt with some black skinny jeans and a jacket with a black beanie. They both were pretty attractive.

I listen to then as they ordered the blonde said he wanted a caramel frappe' and the brunette said to the cashier 'I'll have what that lovely ladies having over there' He said pointing to me. I just acted like I didn't hear him                                                

'And what is she having sir?' The lady said.

'I don't know let me check.' 

He walked over to me and sat down on the other side of the booth.

'Excuse me love, I don't mean to bother you or anything but I just wanted to know what you were drinking so I can possibly get the same thing' He had a deep raspy voice and he had a accent to die for.

'Erm yeah it's a plan mocha.'

'Thanks love.' He gets up and goes to the cashier and to his friend and when he gets his drink he and his friend decide to sit with me.

'Ermm I noticed that no ones sitting with you and I wanted to know if me and my friend can.'

'Sure' I say blushing a bit.

'Thanks. I'm Harry by the way and this is my good friend Niall' 

'Hey, I'm Y/N.' 

'Well its really nice to meet you Y/N' Harry says shaking my hand.

Sorry it was pretty short but yeah.. I want to do a personal one so if you want one just inbox me.. Thanks c:

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