Father of the Year

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If I owned Harry Potter and the Flash, I wouldn't have to keep putting this at the top of my chapters.


The first thing I realized when I woke up was that I wasn't in my bed. The next thing I noticed was that I wasn't on my couch either, where I had fallen asleep. Quickly, I sat up, and looked around. I was in a dark room, where the only source of light was a small light floating in a jar on the on the only furniture in the room, a small table. There were two windows covered in black-out curtains and one door. My wrists and ankles were bound in rope, but at least my wrists were in front of me and not behind.

Taking notice of the jar of light again, I started searching my pockets. My wand was gone, but my phone was still in my back pocket! I let out a triumphant laugh. I loved wizards!

It took some awkward maneuvering, but eventually I was able to slide my phone out of my pocket and grab it. I unlocked my phone and opened up the messages. I clicked on Barry's name and typed out "Kidnapped. Probably L" before I heard footsteps. I quickly hit send and slid my phone between my wrists so that the ropes hid it.

As expected, my father opened the door. "Draco, you're up," he said, as if he hadn't just kidnapped me.

"Why am I here?" I asked, my voice smaller than I was willing to admit. I wanted to yell at him, correct him for calling my Draco, but I couldn't make the words come out.

"Because, you are still my son, even if you've forgotten what it means to be a Malfoy. Together, we can retrieve the Brahmastra and put everything back how it should be. Think of how thankful the Dark Lord will be when we are the ones to return him to life. We will be royalty!"

While my father was talking, I pulled my knees up to my chest, effectively hiding the phone that I slid into my hands.

"I-I can't. The Brahmastra is dangerous," I stuttered. Blindly I typed out "Wait befoee u do somerhinf stupis" and hit send. Not perfect, but I at least hoped I would be able to pull info from Lucius before Barry flashed in and screwed everything up. Now I just had to find a way to get him talking, and not let myself break.

"Is that what those muggles told you? Of course they would think that. Muggles fear power, but we can wield it in a way that only threatens our enemies. I think my first action when I get the Brahmastra will be to kill your ridiculous little muggles. I can't believe you let one sleep on your couch." Father sneered.

A chill went through my body. I didn't even think about the fact that Father would've seen Barry when he kidnapped me. "W-what did you do to Barry? Please, he didn't do anything wrong," I pleaded, desperate. Barry couldn't be dead. He survived fighting a speed god, how could my father manage to kill him? But Barry had no way to fight against magic...

"Oh, pull yourself together, Draco. I didn't kill your precious muggle. I just gave him a nasty case of paralysis in case he gets curious as to where you went." Lucius dismissed my worry with a wave of his hand. I sighed and unlocked my phone again. The next Team Flash member in my messages was Joe. "Honestly," he continued, "you can't concern yourselves with muggles. As soon as we retrieve the Brahmastra, even the strongest wizards will be begging for our forgiveness. There will be no room for pathetic muggles."

"I don't want their apologies," I argued. Pretending to avoid my father's eye, I lowered my head so I could see my phone screen. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx, explain how you know me. Tell her to send Potter + Weasley to my place. FAST. VRY IMPORTANT.

"You're right," Lucius agreed, smirking. "They don't deserve our forgiveness. We should just squash out anyone who opposed us before they can do anything about it."

"No," I told him. "No, that's not what I meant." My voice was shaking, but I had to make myself say it. "We're the ones who should be begging for forgiveness, not them. Can't you see that we were wrong? We can't judge people on their blood, that's not their fault. Sure, it took me ten years, but I found a group of muggles who have finally began treating me like an equal, something that's never happened before. And you know what? This is my life, and I am the happiest I've ever been. I wouldn't want to go back even if I had the choice."

Lucius took two steps back, looking as if I'd slapped him. "Very well, then," he replied after a moment. "It looks like I will have to do this myself. And, when I get the Brahmastra, I will make sure you and your little muggles get the same treatment I will be giving Potter and his friends."

There was a loud pop, and Lucius was gone. Quickly, I dialed Cisco's number.

"Hello," a voice answered.

"Cisco! Lock the Brahmastra in a containment chamber now! Then, I need you to track my phone and get Wally to come take me back to STAR labs."

"Why? Just tell me where you are-"

"I don't know where I am! I was kidnapped! Now, please do what I say before it's too late!"

"Alright, Caitlin's locking up the stone. How are you in Canada?"

"Fucking hell," I groaned. "Change of plans: tell Wally to go to my apartment and tell Potter and Weasley where I am and tell them to come get me."

"How can they get there so fast?"

"Now, Cisco! They have magic powers, I have magic powers, my fucking evil dad has magic powers! And he's going to kill us all if you don't start moving!" I hung up before Cisco could respond. Luckily, about five minutes later, Potter appeared. "Thank Merlin!" I exclaimed. "Do you have my wand?"

"No, another fast guy just appeared and said we had to come get you while we were trying to heal your other fast friend," Potter replied.

"Fine, then just untie me and apparate us back to my apartment. Quickly, there's a bit of a deadline," I ordered, holding my arms out in front of me.

"How am I supposed to trust you? A muggle was found paralyzed in your apartment and, although you claim to have been kidnapped, you've been in contact with your team." Potter argued.

"That's because you wizards know shit about technology! I don't have time for this," I complained, so I lunged forward and grabbed the wand Potter was dangling by his side.

Caught off-guard, Harry fell over and let go of his wand. I rolled out of his reach and apparated back to my place.   


So... I'm not good at this whole schedule thing, am I? I can blame the fact that I had to study for my bio exam, but really, I just forgot.

Sorry, but here's chapter 8 now!

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