Chapter 47: Fight For Me

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A/N Like I promised Update #2of the day!!

So I'm assuming that wattpad was getting an update of the sorts, sadly everything of mine deleted of what I was writing so...take 2!




I kinda wished I had planned this hiding idea a little bit better. This cabinet wasn't cutting it for me, I was 'short' but this is too damn small, I'm getting a neck cramp from laying my head on my knee to one side for too long. My legs fell asleep and every time I move my head I hit myself. I'm starting to wonder if this was one of my brightest moments, then again my future right now isn't looking to bright either. I want to get out of this small cube and stretch my legs. Every time I grow a pair to at least stretch my legs there is always people running a round, yelling order, for what? Just to find me? Don't they get bored, I know I would. This all really pointless, they should all leave and save themselves. However knowing Zach he probably has dirt on them. The poor henchmen, nowhere to go poor unfortunate souls. Sighing I turn my head, the muscles behind my neck protesting as I do. I haven't slept in what two days now? I can't even check the time anymore my phone died. Maybe if I close my eyes, take a little nap everything will set itself right. Mhm how I miss my bed and my soft blanket. Yeah a little nap can't hurt right. Of course Mia can't get anything she wants because as soon as I close my eyes to blissful sleep, the door is slammed opened. The door slamming open scared the soul well out of my soul. I jolted forward and end up hitting my head.

"Fuck!" I whispered. Grabbing onto my head as pain took over, well now I'm awake. Apparently I hadn't whispered as someone seemed to hear me.

"Dude, did you hear that?"

"What are you going on about?"

"You didn't hear something? Like a thud? I could've sworn someone said fuck too" he trailed off.

"Are you on that stupid LCD again? I swear to go-"

"I told you! Someone slipped it into my drink!"

"Whatever man, come on she isn't here and we still need to find James"


Once they closed the door, I released the breath I was holding. Well double fuck, they still looking for me, at least they haven't found scarecrow.  Honestly I like scarecrow better then James, it has a ring to it. I wait a couple minutes more, I can't do this I need to stretch. Shoving the cabinet door slightly I peek my head out. The room was still dark, barely any light anymore even from the moon. I crawl out the cabinet feeling my muscles stretch protesting but at the same time finding some relief. I lay on the cold hospital floor for a minute. The cold didn't bother me, it soothed me, being stuck in there for however long made it really warm. I closed my eyes, I hope they're close. Freedom seems so close, I want to be home, with my mom, Brian, and Jared. Watching some stupid family show together, yelling for the last brownie my mom would make. Something wet slide down my cheek, willing it away I realized I was crying, sitting up I wipe away any signs of tears.

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