Oi! Potter!

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It was 3 'o clock in the afternoon and I was still cooped up in my room. I refused to leave because of what happened. Dad left after calming me down but not before suggesting that I go to Hogsmeade. I refused, of course. Right now, I'm lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. When I try to close my eyes, the image of an ice-covered room appears. I don't think I can even sleep tonight. A knock on the door snapped me back to reality. Sighing, I got up and opened the door to see...Daphne and Blaise?

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were in Hogsmeade and won't be back 'till 5?" I asked.

"I don't think going to Hogsmeade would be fun without you." Daphne said.

"Yeah! So either we're gonna stand here and wait for you to get ready or I'm gonna force you by carry you outside without hesitation." Blaise said.

"I pick the second choice. Good luck forcing me." I said.

I was about to close the door when Blaise blocked it with his foot, opened the door and literally carried me outside. I pounded on his back but he's didn't even flinch. He didn't even show if he's in pain! Is he hulk or something?

"Ace! Ace, put me down!" I shouted, pounding on his back.

Neither Blaise nor Daphne replied. Instead, they shoved me in the carriage and held me down. When the carriage started moving, they let go of me and sat across from me.

"See! That wasn't so bad, was it?" Daphne said.

"Wasn't so bad?! You carried me out of my room, shoved me in the carriage and held me down and it wasn't so bad?! Are you kidding me?!" I exclaimed.

"It wasn't my fault you refused to leave." Blaise said.

I didn't reply but huffed and leaned on my seat. Minutes later, we FINALLY arrived in Hogsmeade. The carriage was so uncomfortable. When I stepped out, coldness greeted me. I rubbed my arms and said, "Gosh, it's freezing!"

"Here." Blaise handed me his jacket and I put it on.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked.

"Nah! It's much colder at home so I'm used to it." He said. I nodded and gave him a thankful smile.

I tied my hair into a bun and put the hoodie up. We were about to enter the Three Broomsticks, when a head-like-thing that was hanged on the doorknob stopped us. He or was is an it? Anyway, it said that the Three Broomsticks was closed to underage wizards. Sighing, we went to the Honeydukes and bought some candies instead.

"That was disappointing." Blaise muttered.

"You dragged me out of the castle for nothing." I said.

"At least we got to spend the day in Hogsmeade with you." Daphne said.

"I guess it better than being in my room the whole day." I said.

We sat by the corner of Honeydukes and ate quietly but, sadly, someone had to ruin the peace. 

"Oi! Potter!" A familiar voice said.

Malfoy's here. Ugh! Why does he always tease Harry? He hasn't done anything bad to him. Jeez, Malfoy is such an attention seeker. I felt someone shove me and shouted, "Oi! Potter! I called you, didn't I? Are you deaf or something?"

Was...was he talking to me? And did he just call me Potter? Is he blind?

"Are you sure I'm deaf or are you just blind?!" I exclaimed, facing him.

"Lupin?" He questioned. "I..I-you..."

"I what?!"

"You looked liked Potter for a second there." He said.

"Well, I'm not Harry Potter. Sorry for disappointing you." I said. I turned to Daphne and Blaise, saying, "I'll meet you guys at the castle."

I stood up and left Honeydukes. I rode a carriage going back to the castle and on the way, I thought of what happened. Malfoy just called me Potter. He said I looked just like Harry Potter. Is he going mental? Or is he just blind? Wait! The same thing happened in my sorting! The Sorting Hat called me Potter! So many questions are running in my mind and there's only one person who has the answers.

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