Chapter Three

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While Persephone was distracted, Nico took some raw fish in a bag to place in the refrigerator. He was too nervous with his family home to relax. Maybe he was overreacting, but he also didn't want to take any chances. Nico's first mission was to build trust with Percy and keep him content.

"Are you okay Nico?" his father asked from across the dinner table. Nico had been lost in thought the whole time. He straightened in his chair, "Yeah. Yeah I'm alright." Hades narrowed his dark eyes at his son, "you haven't touched your food." Nico picked up his fork and stabbed a carrot. "Where did you guys go today? You were out longer than I expected."

"Well," Persephone started. "We went to the grocery store, then your dad wanted to stop at the antique shop. Apparently, he doesn't think he has enough junk." She looked at Hades accusingly, and he shrugged his shoulders. "What? What's wrong with going to the antique shop? People just throw stuff in there for years and you never know what you can find." Nico thought of their basement. It was like a river of junk his dad had collected from flea markets, pawn shops, and antique stores. He could understand his father's fascination, in fact Nico has been hoping he would bring home something hunted for broadcasting in the living room so people would stop coming over.

"I like going to the antique shop. I found a new old coin today." Hazel collected old coins and jewels. Fake or not, she would put it in one of her glass bowls in her room. Nico thought her room looked like a place for a psychic to hold her readings.

Nico shoveled the rest of his food in his mouth. He feared if he left Percy alone for too long he might flood the bathroom. "I'm tired. Thanks for cooking."

"Tired already?" Persephone asked. Nico rubbed at his eyes as he carried his plate to the sink, "yeah, slow day." Bianca gave him a look, he knew what that look meant so he stuck his tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes and turned back to the table. Nico washed his dishes and made sure no one was watching as he stuffed the bag from the fridge under his shirt.

"Goodnight," he called as he walked up the stairs. Once he was out of view, he hurried to his room and shut the door behind him.

Before he reached his bathroom door, he heard Percy talking inside. His heart jumped at the thought of someone finding him, but everyone else was downstairs. Nico pressed his ear against the door, praying Percy wouldn't find out somehow that he was eavesdropping.

"No, I'm fine. I hit the rocks and a human wanted to help me. He seems nice, he doesn't want to do any harm to me, I can sense it."

A pause, followed by- "I know, but I still got hurt and he wanted to help. I'm in his water thing." Nico stopped breathing and focused, but still couldn't hear the second voice.

"I'll be home soon, I can't swim like this.... Of course, I'll be careful... how is mom?... *sigh* tell her I'm old enough not to get myself killed. I trust him. He has a good aura."

Nico frowned, mermaids can judge an aura? What is an aura? He hoped they couldn't read minds as well. His cheeks burned at the idea of Percy knowing his thoughts on him.

"Dad, I'll call you if I have any trouble I promise. I need to go, Nico will be back soon... bye."

Nico heard one last sigh before some movement in the water. He slowly turned the knob and walked in. "Hey, I got you some food. I hope you like catfish, it's Bianca's favorite so we have it often."

Percy bit off the fish flesh and smiled, "it's great. A little stale though." He took another bite, and Nico sat slowly on the toilet lid to watch him. "So what were you doing for the past hour?"

Percy grabbed a little rubber duck off the side of the tub. "Playing with this. It reminds me of Berry, a dolphin I know. He squeaks and squirts water too." Percy started playing with the duck while eating his fish with his other hand.

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