Chapter 2 (short)

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A salarian doctor rubbed some healing cream on your bruised cheek, you woke up maybe two days ago healed nicely for now the doctors were pretty nice and the bed comfy.

You remembert being hurt by that freaking robot passing out outside the shuttle then a few sounds and flashes waking up in a hospital having a numb feeling.

What really bothered you was the news liara didn't pay you a visit but she was a busy woman and you probaly would't want to see her in so bad shape either so you didn't hold it against her. The view out of the window was amazing enough to let you watch for two hours just watching shuttles fly by when the door opended.

Liara : you look better then when we brought you here

Chuckling you turned your head to the Asari taking a seat next to your bed.

Liara : im sorry for not visiting sooner i have been busy
(Y/n) : i understand happy your here now

Liara : yeah i needed some time off so i wanted to see how you were doing after that beating....... it was the least i could do after you protected me back on Mars.

(Y/n) : a little hurt but im fine how are you ?
Liara : im fine worried and maybe a little tired but im fine

Smiling you asked her some questions about her day to be a bit social happy to be able to talk to somebody who didn't just check up on your health but you actually knew. You found out about that the ship AI EDI took the body now controlling it and that there was news about a cure for the Krogan genophage held secret by Salarians.
The talk was fun and nice sadly the doctors asked Liara to leave because you needed rest all she did promise to visit you soon giving you a goodbye hug whispering something in your ear.

Liara :  get better soon (y/n)......... i miss having you on my side

She left you behind a small blush on her cheek while you were suffering the same smiling like a idiot.
(Y/n) : i miss being on your side too doctor t'soni.

Mass effect : Liara x male reader (completed) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora