chapter 14 ._.

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Harry's POV

Well I'm freaking out. Sydney is kidnapped. I was suppose to keep her safe and I failed. I have to find her some how. She said she has no idea where she is.

Niall is losing it. He's crying one minute than hitting another thing the next. I wouldn't blame him. Him and Sydney are close.

"We have to find her! What if she's really hurt?!" Niall yelled.

I remember how Niall said that her dad abused her. Oh God... we need to find her!

"Could we look up her dad and Maybe find where he lives?" Zayn questioned. 

"I dunno. We could try." Liam says back.

Me: Are you sure you have no idea where you are?

It takes a few minutes but she answers.

S: If I did know do you think I would tell you? This might be my old house, but I'm not sure I've never seen this place before.  Well I think.

M: What's the houses address than?

S: 86 Sikacourt Rd. I don't remember what the house looks like tho.

"I think I've got a address!" I yell making me have 4 sets of eyes on me.

Sydney's POV

This feels like a nightmare. This can't be happening. I've been through this enough. Why does god hate me. What did I do wrong!? Why was I even born. Or why did my dad have to turn into such a psycho.

Speaking of the devil... "SYDNEY GET OVER HERE NOW!" He yells from I'm guessing upstairs.

I shakily get up and literally feel my way over there. It's so dark down here like geez couldn't pay the electricity bills or something?

"Instead of keeping your ass down there and not doing anything helpful, I want you to clean the whole house until It's spotless!"

That's going to take for ever! From what I see at the top of the staircase it messy. Does he hoard stuff or something?

I guess I got caught up in my thoughts and not paying attention because my cheek is burning hot.

"Why did you slap me?!? I didn't do anything wrong!" Again another painful slap, but also I knee to the stomach. Ugh my stupid mouth for talking.

"Don't question what I do! And because you can't do anything about it!" He spits in my  face.

"The cleaning supplies are upstairs near your room. Hopefully you remember you dumb ass." He spits again and turns on his heel.

I walk up to wear my old room was. Yeah I remember where it is and what it looked like. It looked exactly the same before. Pretty scary I would think he would trash everything and use it to keep beer or wine. But no it still has the same bed. Same sheets. Same dresser. Same carpet.

I leave my room because it brings back so much memories. Some sad. Some good.

I notice a picture in the hallway with three people. As I get closer I see it isn't just three people. It's my mom, dad, and me. An old picture from when I was like 5. When everything was ok.  When everything was normal.

Why did he keep it? Well I'm taking it. Could help me with my sad days. I slip it into my pocket and see Harry texted me again.

H: I think we've found the house! We are coming sweetie! Love you!

I hope they are right. I hope it is the house. This definitely is my old house though.

My good side of my mind came true this time because I hear a car door slam and a knock at the door.

Please, oh please be them. Just one good thing to happen. Please



First the address I have no idea if That's real or not soo...

second check out illegally crossed by Hazza401 and ALSO FOLLOW HER SHE IS AMAZING AND I LOVE HER.  SHE SPED UP THE UPDATE. I'm so lazy this wouldn't have been updated for another day or two. so follow @Hazza401

third I am sorry for the late update and cliffhanger on this oops

and Happy Valentine's Day. all you that read my book are my Valentine's okay. Who else is single bc same.

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