Chapter 1

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Every school has the iconic packs of friends, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the emo, the nerds and a whole lot more.

But me? I'm the lonely kid, I get bullied more often than the nerds and the emos.

They bully me for being rich. It's just a joke at first then, some girls tried to get closer to me just for the sake of money.

They forced me to give all of my money to them but when I simply refuse, they starts spreading rumors and everyone tries to avoid me.

The guys on the other hand, they tried geting in a relationship with me also for the money.

When I turned them down, they teamed up with the girls to take me down.

The longer, the worse the bullying gets. I, myself have no idea what the rumors are. I didn't dare to speak up to anyone.

They all make weird faces to me, ignore me, and the girls do really crazy stuff to me.

The guys probably asked them to because if a guy hit a girl they know they will get into trouble. But the girls? The people never really cares.

At this point, I've tried to get my bodyguards to protect me but they've never listened to me because they only take orders from my parents.

I've finally had it. I need to tell my parents, it's getting really bad.

I went to the school restroom and dialed up my mom.

As I was waiting for her to pick up I tapped my feet impatiently.

I heard the door creaked which made me jumped a bit and I instantly shoved my phone back into my pocket.

Then, the three mean girls walked in cockily. Stacy, the head of the cheerleaders, she's very mean and has 2 followers, Stephanie and Jessica.

Stephanie just follows the girls around because she's bored and want attention.

Meanwhile, Jessica is just Stacy's servant. She never admits that Stacy's using her but deep down, she probably knows it herself.

They are all famous because they're pretty. But literally nobody likes them not even themselves.

Stacy walked over to me, placed a hand on my shoulder,
"Where do you think you're going Consty?" She started.

This will not end well, I can feel it. I pushed away her hand that was on my shoulder.

"I'm just trying to get some peace of mind, could you please move over? I really don't have time for this."

She snapped and stepped closer to my face,

"Oh, come on bitch, we just wanna play."
Stacy said with an evil smirk on her face.

"Just let me go, Stacy!" I screamed.

She looked over at Stephanie and Jessica and they both nodded.

I should run, I shouldn't have come here. I closed my eyes while Stephanie and Jessica were pulling my hair back and pinning me to the wall. Stacy slapped me.

"Why are you always so stubborn? We just wanted to have a little fun, can't we?" She said with a maniacal laugh at the end.

"Stacy, stop! I just wanted to-" As I was about to say something the girls pushed me to the ground, stomping on me with their heels.

I tried getting up from the floor but 3 vs 1 doesn't ever really end well so they just kept on hitting me.

On the dirty school bathroom stall, I laid there, eyes closed, being stomped by the girls. This is my life, almost everyday. I hated it. I don't want to live like this anymore, why should I?

The girls finally stopped, I waited for them to leave and I got up.

I went to the sink to wash my face, and looked into the mirror

"Why?" I thought to myself. "Why does it have to be me? What in the world did I do to deserve this?"

The bell suddenly rang which made me jumped slightly and I left the restroom.

I went straight to class and sat at the back of the class. I placed my books on the desk and listened to the teacher go on and on about random stuff. I looked over at my craft knife.

"Don't be dumb, woman" I thought to myself. "You're not that kind of person. You don't cut when you're depressed." and so on.

But no matter what I thought of, I felt like ending my own life, I don't want to be here, living this depressing and annoying life.

The bell rang once again, marking the end of school today. I grabbed my things and exited school immediately because I didn't want to face being bullied again. Not that I'm not used to it, that is.

I spotted the familiar looking car and hopped into the car and instead of going home, I asked my driver to drop me by the pharmacy.

I could tell my driver was confused but shurgged it off anyways.

The pharmacy wasn't too far from my school, about a 5 minute walk and a 1 minute drive.

The driver parked the car while I went into the pharmacy.

I pushed the the door and got inside. While walking around trying to find some pads since I was on my period, I stopped at the prescription section.

You may wonder why, well it's because I saw sleeping pills.

At that moment, I wonder how great it would be if I died.

The pharmacist must've seen me pondering and walked over to ask me if I needed any help.

My thoughts were broken off, I looked at the pharmacist for a bit, and proceeded to tell her I have trouble sleeping at night.

The pharmacist nodded and prescribed me some sleeping pills.

I paid for them along and went back to my car.

"Are you okay miss?" My driver Joe asked.

"Its just a girl's problem" I stated with a slightly rude tone.

"I'm sorry miss." He apologized

"It's fine, keep your eyes on the road,Joe." I scold him and he just nod queitly.

When I finally arrived, I stepped out of the car and thanked Joe.

My butler, Marcus opened the door for me and greet me inside. I thanked him and went straight to my room.

I locked the door and took out the pills.

I took out more than I was supposed to consume, getting some water ready while I was at it.


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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