"Hyung, you should be asleep..." I said

"I'm the eldest, I should be the one caring for my dongseangs. Now eat up and drink your medicines, then rest up..." He smiled and finally went out the door

I sighed and bit a cookie, still confused of everything. But I was definitely concerned of something....

Was Princess okay?

I shrugged, munched the cookies and drank the hot chocolate before closing my eyes to meet dreamland...


*3rd Person's POV*

"You know, you'll always be miserable...."

The boy opened his eyes to see nature's beauty, so extraordinary, and familiar at the same time...

He started walking on a path which there are crazy looking plants, he marched forward and admired the surroundings....

'I think I've been here before....'

Not long after, he was greeted by a glowing butterfly. He couldn't believe his eyes, he found it so amusing that he tried to touch it....

Unlike others, the glowing creature let this boy touch it. Then fluttering away...

And of course, Jungkook followed it....

The butterfly led to another grassy meadow, and another boy was standing there. The other boy had a frown on his face, a frown of disappointment...

"Jin hyung?" Jungkook asked

"Jungkook...." He said, the frown still visible

"Why are you in my dream?" He asked

"Come...." Jin only said and walked away

Jungkook was confused, but followed his hyung anyway. Confused, Jin brought him to a grey door in the middle of nowhere....

"Where are we?"

Jungkook wasn't answered, Jin opened the door which revealed nothing but black...

Jin stepped aside, letting Jungkook examine it. But once he went near, only 3 inches away from the door. Jin, who was behind him, pushed him and harshly closed the door. Leaving a confused and frightened Jungkook....

"Hello?!" He called

"Hello?!" He called again

"Damn I can't stay here any longer!" Jungkook said he spoke louder

On cue, the butterfly suddenly appeared and floated away...

Jungkook ran after, before it stopped. It landed on something which made everything visible...

He saw an empty grey room, a glass case only visible in the center of the room....

He looked at the glass pane confused, he went closer and touched it...

The glass shattered, shocking Jungkook, making him withdraw his hand quickly....

It turned black again, scaring the shit out of him. But turned on after two seconds....

It revealed a room, filled with stuffed animals and a familiar scent....


This is Princess's room...."


This shit happens when I'm lazy asf...

You guys get that feeling when you dream so high, your parents insult it? Saying it's useless? That it can't bring any good to your family?

Sorry, I just needed to rant...

Thank you so much for everything readers, I really appreciate each one you having a presence in my life. At least you guys care, thank you...

~Your Loving Author

The Cursed Love | J.JKDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora