Chapter 14: A Cure For Homesickness

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Day five. I've been here for five days and so far have learned to use my strength for my own benefit. I know how to fire a gun, take down a man twice my size, and throw knifes at a target. Eric told us that maybe in a two weeks we'd be released for jobs, apparenlty they're still debating on making us go through the oh so famous simulations.

My fight against Cade actually went well today, and so far the only person I've lost to is Eddie. I can tell the emotionless looks I was given by my peers is now turning into hateful and spiteful glares. They're mad at me for God knows what this time, I guess I was never their favorite person and now they're finally allowed to show it now that they're in a different faction. Not that I care, I've got Sasha and Louis now and I don't need the aproval of them.

Sitting down for dinner I take a seat right next to Sasha who's in a pretty intriguing conversation with Louis. At least from the look on their faces it looks pretty intrigueing, like they're two preteens who just go the juiciest gossip they've ever heard.
"Mercer, did you hear that the treaty isn't working?" Sasha says. Ok maybe this is pretty juicy gossip.

"What!?" I screech getting the attention of anyone in a ten foot raduis.
"It's not that it's not working it's that they want something else," she says in a hushed tone.
"What more could they want than our people?" my voice is quickly drowned out by glasses banging against tables and stomping of feet.

Soon Max appears on a balcony-like ledge with Eric standing nearly two feet behind him and the other leaders in sight. The pounding and clattering is soon silent and Max clears his throat, "I just wanted to say a reminder, in exactly 4 weeks the choosing cermony will take place and we will have new transfers, and new members. For those of you who have not been here for a choosing cermony you need to know we welcome all, from any faction because they may end up surprising you," Max's gaze settles on Four and Tris who have their fingers intertwined and a small knowing smile on there faces.
"Thank you," Max finishes and the crowd goes wild for an unknown reason. Is that what passes for a speech here? I wish I would've taken speech class here then.


"You need to use your arms more, all of your strength is coming from your torso," Eric instructs as I strike the bag once more, this time taking his advice.
"Good," he nods and moves onto Sasha who, according to him, needs to lift more. It's the sixth day and I hate to say it but I feel like I'm actually starting to fit in, heck I almost like it here.

It's plain obvious that Sasha and Louis are having the time of their lives, swearing when it's unnecessary, punching each other lightly and sometimes not so lightly. Their physical appearances haven't changed much, unlike everyone else who are now developing muscles they didn't even know they had.

The only problem is Nate. He's always in my shadow, almost watching everything I do and if I didn't know him my whole life I'd say he's stalking me.

"First fight," Eric shouts causing everyone to stop and listen, "Mercer verses Nate!" Speak of the devil. I hastily wrap my knuckles and from the other side of the training room I see Nate do the same. The little angel and little devil on my shoulder seem to be in an intense arguement as I debate with myself to either let him win or pummel him till he can't breathe so he knows I'm not here to mess around. The thought of him proposing to me about two weeks ago sends a shiver of disgust down my spine as Dauntless has really proven how weak he is, not only physically but mentally. When he's tired he just quits, he never goes the extra mile and that's when I realized even if I wanted to get back together with him it would never work.

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