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Me and Luhan were laying on the couch. We were watching some random romantic comedy that Luhan picked out. My eyes were still red and puffy from crying, I had broken down while I was telling Luhan about the whole Chanyeol situation. Luhan had hugged me for a long ass time and then taken me to the living room, proceeding to put a movie on. He had told me to lay down on the couch and to scoot, so that he could fit comfortably next to me.

Luhan was still slowly, pulling his fingers thru my hair in a soothing way and occasionally chuckling at a dumb joke in the movie.

I seriously had the best friend ever.

When the movie ended, I wasn't thinking about Chanyeol as much anymore.

Luhan got up from the couch first, heading to the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile to myself. I was so blessed to have a friend like him.


Woow I haven't updated in a LOOONG ass time IM SORRY I jus wasn't sure how to continue the next chapter BUT YE here's a smol filler AND I SWEAR ILL TRY ANF UPDATE MORE


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