About me

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Q1: If you're a meta, what power would it be?

A1: It will be power about brain and mind, you literally can do anything and be badass as well as smart as fuxk! For example, you can control mind, read minds... those are the typical of mind power, to another level when you look furthermore, you will realize that you can shut the brain down or some parts of it if you want, or if you don't want to destroy the brain you can make it damage other organs like heart or the blood flows.....

Q2: Meta nickname????

A2: Brain Teaser ( a nickname from an author and she give me this awesome nickname while do me an imagine) and Mind Struck

Q3: Oliver or Barry? Why?

A3: Oliver, he's hot duh ( so is Bar) and rich and strong and smart, has experiences and very affective, protective....

To Barry, he would be with Albert.

Q4: Your OTP?????

- Oh my, lots of them. Allenbert, Olicity, Harrison and Cisco,..... if it comes to Harry Potter, there will be Drarry! Ronmione! Nuna! Wolfstar ❤❤ !

Q5: Who don't you ship??

- Julian and Caitlin, uh uh nope. Oliver and anyone else, except for Felicity, and there is the most disgusting ship in my opinion, if you like them, meh, just keep reading ma story ok 😭😂.

I FUXKING HATE DRAMIONE!!!! There I said it.

So it's the end of it????? Yep!
And the Cisco girl, your request will be made soon :)

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