Veromani's engagement (44)

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"No way, I'm not going to leave my best friend's engagement because of an ex-girlfriend." I said, stopping in front of the door. Normani laughed and turned the doorknob.

As soon as we walked in, a rain of applause started. Euphoric people came over to us, and the smile on Normani's face showed how happy my friend was with that moment. Vero approached us and kissed her fiancée on the lips.

"Thank you, Lauren, it's all very beautiful." Vero said a little awkwardly.

"I did it from the bottom of my heart, believe it." I said, and Veronica smiled at me. For the first time in a long while, I saw a sincere smile coming from her.

I walked farther into the house and came across people I knew, and many I didn't know, they probably were Veronica's friends from the police station. Speaking of police station, at the beverage counter was Camila. I don't think I've ever seen her look so beautiful; next to her was Dinah, Ally and Rob.

"Rob?" I whispered to myself. I walked to the beverage counter, and as soon as Dinah saw me, she smiled and came towards me.

"You look breathtaking, Lauren. You should definitely forget your jeans more often." She teased, handing me a red drink, which I didn't recognize.

"I don't know if I want to drink, Dinah." I said, handing back the drink. "And you look very beautiful too."

"Thanks, but not drinking today is not an option." She shoved the unknown drink towards me again. I held the glass and began to walk towards the others. "Lauren, be strong." Dinah whispered in my ear, and I looked at her without understanding why she had said that.

"Lauren, you look so beautiful!" Ally said, pulling me into a hug.

"You really look very beautiful today, Lauren, but not as much as Camila." Rob said ironically, and hearing his voice already made my stomach turn.

"Thank you." Camila said to Rob with half a smile, which was interrupted by a peck on the lips from Rob.

Camila kept her eyes open, looking at me. So that was it? She had broken up with me to be with him? Well, that if she wasn't already with him while we were dating. A sudden anger took over me instantly. Camila stared at me and I stared at her, I couldn't believe she wasn't going to say anything, that she would just keep staring at me with a guilty look. We stared at each other for long minutes, and then I drank the whole drink at once, and only then could I recognize the strawberry mojito in my mouth. Some conversation was happening around us, but we couldn't look away from each other. Even though we weren't together anymore, Camila being with Rob was disgusting, and I deserved at least an explanation. Her eyes were screaming something, but she didn't say anything, didn't even apologize.

"I can't believe this!" I said, looking at her angrily, already having reached my limit. I slammed the glass on the counter and walked away from them.

"Lauren..." I heard Camila's voice as soon as I stomped out of there.

"Lauren!" The second voice calling me wasn't Camila's, and that was the only reason why I stopped. "Lauren, I'm so sorry..."

"I can't believe this, Dinah." I turned around, already in tears. "I can't believe she did this to me." My hands were shaking, and I could only move them around. "I'd do anything for her, Dinah, what did I do wrong?" Thick tears rolled down my face. "I can't understand, help me, Dinah, what did I do wrong?" I asked lastly, and Dinah pulled me into a comforting hug.

"You didn't do anything wrong, sweetheart! Camila doesn't deserve you." Dinah rocked me like a baby, and I have to admit, it was calming me down. "Don't let them ruin this night, don't let them." Dinah said, and I pulled away from her hug, wiping away the few tears that still insisted on falling.

Dark Paradise (Camren)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin