Who's She??

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(Skipping ahead a week, I hope you all don't mind the skipping it just speed things up for me, and you don't have to read any filler chapters about them making breakfast every chapter)

Olivia's POV

I was starting to get bored of being in this house when the guys weren't here, I mean, we were in Hawaii after all. They were worried about my safety, and the possibility that Travis might know where we are, so they didn't want me leaving without them. It was a sweet, but irritating, gesture. The boys had been out all day and I was growing restless as the beach was calling my name. Where ever the boys are, they better get their asses back home soon.......

Liam's POV

(8 hours earlier)

"Bye Liv. We'll see you in a bit. We're just going hunting and we shouldn't be long, you know the drill," Zayn told Liv while hugging her. They seemed to be alot closer now. I wonder why...

"Yeah and don't open the door for strangers okay?", I asked her sweetly. She smiled. God I love her smile, it radiated happiness and warmth...I could live in it..

"I won't Liam, plus you'll only be gone a few hours right? What's the harm?" I nodded and then led the boys to the forest.

"Come on boys. It's time to hunt," They nodded then took off using their vampire speed to the clearing we normally visited. There was a densely forested area that surrounded it, that meant the leopards would be around here somewhere.

We all dropped behind a large tree trunk and waited. Right on cue, the big cat strolled in.

The leopard walked into the clearing and went by the small pond to get water. We took that as the signal to pounce. We all flew out, Niall pinned it down first and the rest of us each helped to hold it. There was however, one problem...

"Who are you?", a soft but commanding voice drifted through the air. I looked over and saw a petite brunette, with the blonde streaks flowing through her hair, and green-brown, almost hazel eyes, with a golden ring around them, just staring at us with a dead set glare.

"The better question, is who are you?",  Louis sassed her. Maybe not sass a stranger Lou...She took no notice of him, if she did, she didn't show it, so I spoke up next.

"My name is Liam. This is Zayn, Niall, Harry and Louis. We've been hunting here all week, who are you?", She looked a little annoyed, but she replied.

"My name's Jess, I've been hunting here my whole life. And this is my leopard!", she said while making a move to try to get it. As fast as she got it, Niall and Zayn grabbed it as well. It was practically leopard tug of war,  until an idea popped into mind.

"How about you come home with us and we'll share the food," She looked unsure about us still, then Niall added.

"There is also a girl there who might need a friend other than us," Her eye's lit up at the idea of another girl. She seemed to really need a friend. I wonder how long she had been out here on her own...

"Okay. I'll come with you guys," We nodded for her to follow us and we were on our way home, leopard and all.

(Present time)

Olivia's POV

I was sitting on the sofa listening to AC/DC when I heard a knock on the door.

Liam told me not to open the door for strangers..... 

Before I could think of a way to hide, a familiar voice outside the door spoke.

"Well, we're not strangers," Niall.

I quickly got up, threw open the door, and came face to face with a strange brunette. The mate bond was doing it's thing, cause a pang of annoyance shot through me. Stupid, dumbass jealously...

"Who is she?" 

Okay so i'm really proud of you my crazies!! Love you!!! :* ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡  ----Sky

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