Chapter 8: Under Watch

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Upon noticing that we were being chased, I quickly sped up, using the methods taught to me by none other than my parents, as I swooped through the sky, looping around hills and flying through forests. Yet, the elder, Errol, was faster, his experience outweighing my ability to a large extent...

I heard my rider cursing loudly, while he rummaged around in his pockets, only to find them empty. In his mind, I glimpsed visions of him once again taking out his 'rifle', as he called it, and attacking Errol, however, those thoughts only served to make him curse more, for he knew that he didn't have that weapon with him... It was obvious enough that Keane would have very much liked to fill the elder with holes with that weapon of his, and I sent my disapproval his way... Did he always have to kill?

Continuing my efforts, I found myself engaging in ridiculous acrobatics. which Errol still managed to match almost effortlessly.... In the end, he was nipping at my tail, calling out, telling me to stop and land...


Seeing that Fenek was already well down the road of fatigue, and the fact that our pursuer, who turned out to be Errol, looked to be barely winded, I told Fenek to give up the escape and land. <Fenek, just land. We can't outrun him...>

The dragon cast me an apologetic glance as he landed, albeit very reluctantly, but refused to let me off his back. Errol landed next to us, looking around the wide meadow we were in. Just miles and miles of green grass all round, with nigh a sight of human habitation even...

"Why did you run?" Errol demanded, giving both of us the evil eye. 


I wanted to step in and speak first, knowing that my rider was already simmering with anger, but in the end, he still managed to get the first word in... I could tell that he was already holding back, but what he said was already very disrespectful... 

"Because of you," He snapped, seeming almost dragonlike with his temper simmering behind the scenes, "You chased us for no bloody reason, stalked us, then still have the bloody gall to come and demand an explanation?! Seriously?!"

Errol gave an offended growl. "You will address me with the proper respect!"

Keane bit back another sharp retort and just gave an insolent glare. I could tell that he very much wanted to strike the black dragon, but at least remained sensible enough not to do it. I wanted to help him reply, to prevent further offense, but he glanced at me and shook his head, before returning his attention to Errol. "Fine, <i>Elder</i>," he sneered, "Then tell me this: Why were you stalking us? We committed no crime."

Errol loosed a low growl, but, thankfully, took no action. If he did, I would be helpless... He had far more fighting experience than I did, and I would be no match for him... "I was instructed to." Was the simple reply, and with that, Errol took off in a huff, but didn't leave, instead deciding to circle above us, like a vulture. 

Keane muttered something in another language, one that I was unfamiliar with, but from his tone I could tell that he was cursing... He then jumped off my back whileI laid down and curled myself around him protectively... <What is the matter? I dont think he meant any harm...> I added, nudging the agitated human, and encouraging him to sit down...


Fenek offered me a spot on one of his forelegs, onto which I collapsed, still cursing. Now we were under surveilance, and Fenek had failed the grasp the severity of the whole enterprise... <The matter is that we're being watched now. I can't get anything done, and my privacy's gone to shit. Frankly, I had more privacy back when there were CCTV cameras on every street.>

Of course, Fenek only got the front half. He had no idea what a CCTV camera was, and he could tell that I was in no mood to explain it to him... He simply sat there, set his head in my lap and looked up at me with those blue eyes of his...

I sighed. "My luck really is crap..."

The dragon snorted in my face, blasting with warm, moist air. "Don't say such things... Come, let us go home. There is nothing we can do about this..."

Seeing no real alternative, I sighed again and mounted the dragon, who promptly took off, winging his way back home, with Errol following at a distance.

Of course, since we were being followed, going to the resistance was a no go... It would give us away all too soon, and I had left my rifle in the station,leaving with no option other than compliance...

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