11: Lobelia musical

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It's been a couple weeks, or months, I'm not really counting, since we visited the beach. In those weeks I've made about 200 paintings, played the piano 20 times and made 24 outfits. Also, the girls from Lobelia Academy claimed Haruhi shouldn't be apart of the Host club. I knew what they were capable of, being one of their targets, so I hid the whole time they were there. I had to explain everything to the hosts after, it was funny seeing their confused faces.

"LOBELIA" I hear voices sing.

Oh no. Everyone else is thinking the same, I can tell. Before I have a chance to hide they burst in. Ugh, so much for keeping a low profile around these girls.

"DAWN!" Ughhhhhh

"We are here to save you two damsels"

"We don't need saving" I say, standing in front of Haruhi.


I can't believe they convinced us to be in their musical. How did they manage to do that? They have Me and Haruhi acting and singing but Haruhi seems to have trouble with the singing part... and the acting, but eh, what can you do.

We finish rehearsal and go to Haruhi's house. Her dad wasn't home at the time, he must've been at work. We just sat and watched tv until he did come back, being bored.

Me and Haruhi thought we should sleep, since we had the show the next day, instead of waiting for the arrival of her parent.


The next day we were ready, mostly. The girls from Lobelia said we were going to do great but I knew we were going to drag down the entire musical.

Benibara, the main actor, was planning something, I could see it in her eyes. What is it? I keep that thought in the back of my mind and watched Haruhi sing, until I hear the Host club, accompanied by Haruhi's dad, screaming at Benibara. What now?

I peek out of the curtain and see Benibara dragging Haruhi to the centre of the stage. Wait, I remember seeing a mechanism or something there. It's meant for the ending, the kiss scene...

I sprint onto the stage and reach them, also becoming trapped on the moving platform. Ok, bad idea. Now I'm trapped. Benibara notices my presence and smiles, then she dips a squirming Haruhi in attempt to kiss her. But luckily for her Tamaki was there to save her.

She jumps off the platform and lands on him, her big dress flowing with her. Well she's safe, now what about me. Benibara turns to me and attempts to do the same thing she tried with Haruhi.

"Worry not my fair maiden, you shall take the place of Haruhi"

My eyes widen. No way my first kiss is being taken by her. I squirm out of her arms and comedically run around the platform, with her tailing me. I hear the twins yelling at me to jump, but I can't bring myself to it.

"You need to jump" they say as if I was in the most dangerous position ever.

Fine, I'll jump. Just know you guys are the cause of my death . I jump and land on something. The twins were holding me. They put me down and I fix my dress. Everyone begins to chase one another. It's quite funny actually, I slipped out and watched. Poor Haruhi, stuck in the middle of all this.

It all ends and we sneak out.

"Thanks for saving me guys"

I shake my head agreeing with Haruhi. After the thanks, we all go our seperate ways, almost. Kyoya heads in the same direction as me.

"Do you live around here?"

"Yes, I live about two blocks away from you"


We go back to silence, I had my heels in my hand not wanting a broken ankle. I try and think of something to say but nothing comes to mind. I make it to my house and say goodbye to Kyoya. He just fixes his glasses and says "I'll see you tomorrow"

He must expect me to have the designs ready. Well I do, I'm just working on the final touches, but overall they're finished. Now I just need the seal of approval.

Does the picture hold the truth? (Kyoya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now