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Two and a half hours pass. It's 9:14 p.m and in Rays dorm room, Scott and another friend of theirs, Aimee Summers asleep and not even moving an inch all while Ray was sluggishly and sloppily slipping back and forth between consciousness and slimming his pencil off the paper. There was this essay he, Scott and Aimee were working on together for Psychology and it was one of those instances in which all other work for in the way of this ones.

So at the dead last minute, he had to finish the last of whatever was there. Luckily, he does just that.

"Thank Fffff—Argh!", he exerts loudly, exhausted from the hard labor he's had to help put in for the past few hours. That loud outburst however didn't wake the other two up. Zonked and weary, he tosses the papers behind him barely crumbled up as he lays down, burning his face into the comforter. Not even a second into getting some sort of stress relief, a mild knock in the door immediately wakes him up.

Bolting off the bed, he's quick to yank the door open to see his older brother and Carrie on the other side. Needless to say he's surprised to see them BOTH.

"Sean? Man, what you'd doing? You don't have class today", Ray says, paralyzed in confusion.

"Or Wednesday or Thursday either, I know. Just figured I stop by, see if you made any—" Sean doesn't finish. He just glimpses behind his brother. The bulge of Scott's head sticking out from Ray's shoulder as he stepped into the room with Carrie was very tricky to ignore considering how he was perched on top of the drawer, knocked out like a light. The sight of Aimee dozing off didn't do much to appease Sean either. Glancing over a piece of papers crumbled and scattered over the bed, it was hard to see why almost everyone in the room was all but exhausted and tired.

Being hard at work all night will do that to you.

"You know, bro? There's a difference between you and Stephen Hawking. At least Stephen Hawking actually did something."

"Aww come on, don't be slacking off on me now", Ray jokingly jabs at him.

"Wouldn't bet on it", Sean complies as they shake hands and hug.

They again look down at Scott and Aimee motionless and knocked out along the floor and so they had gotten an idea. Thinking alike, both brothers smirk just as Ray just mouths Watch this to Carrie on the outside. Both then start banging on the side jambs of the door excessively in sync with their feet yelling out "SURPRISE INSPECTION!", alerting Scott and Aimee out of their slumber as they both bolt up at the same time.

But not before bopping their heads into one another. "Jes—ow. Aimee!"

"Why is it me? You got up first!", she complained.

"Well, who was kn—"

Both brothers clear their throats loud enough to get both of their attention As both turn to them, they couldn't help but to notice Sean and Ray trying not to burst into laughter. Unfortunately, neither of them could hold it in.

They had to let it out. And the exception they got out was expected. "Me estás tomando el pelo?! You couldn't have picked a worse time, could you?" Aimee spits out.

"Opportunity was right there, I had to". With Ray not giving much of a reason as more of an excuse, it only raised more behind the possible motive.

"Jesus Christ, why you gotta do this to me? You know I'm sensitive to loud noises", was all Scott had to mutter before getting quickly shut den

"Well, you know I'm sensitive to bright lights."


Having Sean intervene still didn't do much to dim the discussion. "So technically speaking that was, I guess, payback. Because when Ray was blinded, Ray was wronged. And according to the BBF code: when you wrong a friend, you have to make it right."

Carrie: Blood Of Redemption Where stories live. Discover now