Bakugo Katsuki x Reader

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Bakugo Katsuki

I love this scene ^^^I like calling him Bakugo instead of Katsuki cuz it reminds me of Katsuki Yuri so yeah :))

3rd Person POV




Will kill you in a second.


These were often the words used to describe Bakugo. To you however, these words were superficial.





Hella handsome.

These were the words you'd use to describe your one and only boyfriend but the thought of him buying you flowers or holding hands made your friends laugh. You tried to ignore the condescending looks of those around you but you were better than to feel intimidated with people who had nothing to do with you.

You have been friends with Bakugo for many years and decided to call him Kacchan due to hearing Deku say it a few times. The name just stuck.

At the moment you two walked through town side by side just going on a stroll. He had an amazing quirk by being able to make blasts with his hands but you on the other hand, were quirkless.

On your first date. He was so nervous when holding your hand that he accidentally blasted your hand, resulting in a burn.

This event led to Bakugo promising to never hurt you again or use his quirk with you around. You didn't want him to have to restrict his quirk like that but he felt that it was necessary to protect you from any potential accidents.

"Kaaaaaaacchan!" You yelled an grabbed his arm. You saw him move his hand away when you reached for it.

"What? You seem more hyper than usual," he said nonchalantly.

You forcibly grabbed his hand and intertwined it with yours.

"I want ice cream!" You began to chant.

Cute... Was his thought.

"Well there's one over there lets--"

Bakugo was cut off when he felt you ripped away from him.



A criminal had snatched you from Bakugo and dashed away. He seemed to have some sort of acceleration quirk.



Instinctively, Bakugo ran after the two of you. Behind him he heard the wails of sirens.

You had just taken in all that was going on and screamed in horror. Bakugo heard this scream, angering him further. Being as athletically fit as he was, Bakugo was able to catch up to the villain but still didn't close the gap.

Suddenly the perpetrator side stepped into an alley, only to find out it was a dead end. He turned around, police and a infuriated Bakugo stood behind him. A crowd had even begun to form.

He held you in front of him and had you in a strangle hold.

The man pulled a gun from his pocket and held it against your head.

"Come any closer, and I'll KILL HER!!" He shouted.

This villain had committed a crime prior to taking you and used you as a hostage to her the cops to leave him alone. The police had their weapons drawn and lowered it at the sight of you being choked.

You spotted Bakugo and began to weep, only to have your mouth covered. Scared. Scared. I'm scared. Save me. Was all you could think. Your tears obstructed your vision and you felt light headed due to the lack of breathing you were actually doing. You wanted to be with Bakugo. You wanted him to save you.

How would he save you? That was the problem. He made a promise to never use his quirk in front of you. In his mind he thought. This is an exception right? I need to save her or else... He didn't want to think of what else would happen.

He didn't know what to do. In this situation even if he wanted to his quirk wouldn't do very much without getting you involved.

You couldn't take it anymore. The police were trying to compromise with your captor but he gave unreasonable demands. Bakugo was frozen, eyes deep with worry. Right now getting away was the only thing you could do. As a sign that you were going to do something, you nodded at Bakugo. He saw and grew terrified.

Don't do it you idiot.

You noticed that the captor loosened his hold around your mouth so you bit down as hard as you could on it, drawing blood. When he grabbed his hand in pain, you punched him in a face and ran like crazy. Bakugo ran after you as well. The captor realized his error and aimed the gun at you. Bakugo finally got a hold of you but saw the captor aiming his gun.

He didn't have time to think, none whatsoever. He could only act. He pushes you aside and felt a sharp pain in his left arm.

He'd been shot. As you fell to the floor you were about to scream in horror but nothing came out.

"Tch! You idiot! I still have one more arm!!!" And at that Bakugo blasted the villain with his right arm and knocked him out.

He turned to you with a smile but suddenly his vision blurred. The last thing he remembered was you shouting his name.

Bakugo woke up to white walls and an unfamiliar feeling.

Don't tell me I'm... He shot straight up and saw you by his side, sleeping soundly. He looked around and saw that he was in a hospital bed. Phew.

Slowly you stirred. "Oh Bakugo, you're awake..."

He beamed to see you safe. "So you're okay right?"




He sat dumbfounded. "Huh?"

"Idiot! You shouldn't have pushed me away like that! I was so scared! You're hurt and I could have lost....." You choked as you began to sob.

Bakugo leaned back and took in all that you had just said. He sighed and flicked your forehead.

"Hey," he said with a reassuring smile. "I rescued you right? Isn't that what heroes do?"


First one shot whoop! I got into My Hero Academia again after I started reading the manga and ooooo! I can't wait for season two. I live for Bakugo :,)) Requests are welcomed ^^

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