Chapter 12

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2 weeks later

Today is my first day back at work since Shawn has woke up. Shawn is now on crunches, the nerves in his leg haven't fully regained their muscle memory, but at least he doesn't have to be in the wheelchair anymore. Tomorrow is his first physical therapy appointment and it's also my doctors appointment. I'm really excited because Shawn gets to see our nugget for the first time and we get to find out the sex.

Once I was settled I began to work, my new location is opening up very soon so I have to make sure everything is ready.

As I am packing up my stuff to go home my stomach growls loudly and I realize I haven't ate all day.

"Mommy forgot to feed you but we are about to go fix that" I talk to my belly while rubbing. A knock on my door interrupts me.

"Come in" I yell.

The door opens and in walls Austin, I sigh internally. I have been avoiding him all day.

"Hey Bey" he says while sitting down.

"What do you want?" 

"Damn, no how are you today?" He says playfully and I shoot him a deadly glare. "You know what I want Bey"

"It's Beyoncé and I already told you we have nothing to discuss about that kiss. It never should have happened and we are going to leave it at that."

"C'mon Bey you have feelings for me just like I have for you, stop fronting and just admit it"

"Austin look I'm engaged so whatever you are trying to do you need to stop it now"

He scoffs. "You weren't thinking about being engaged when my tongue was down your throat"

I immediately slap him. He holds he face in shock, before our conversation can go on any further Shawn and Nahla walk in.

"Hi mommy" Nahla says while giving me a hug and breaking me out of my intense stare with Austin.

"Hi honey, did you have a good day?" I ask, she nods her head. "Hey babe, how did you get here?" I say while giving Shawn a kiss.

"Hey & Ty dropped me off. Everything okay?" He questions looking between me and Austin.

"Everything is fine"

He nods his head. "Okay, how you doing man?" He asks Austin.

"Doing good. Glad to see your awake" I internally roll my eyes.

Shawn chuckles. "Thanks"

"Well I'm gonna get out of here, y'all have a nice day" Austin says while heading to the door.

"Hey if your not doing anything this Saturday your welcome to come to the little party we're throwing"

"No" I shout and Shawn looks at me confusingly. "I mean I'm sure Austin has other things to do"

"Actually I'm free on Saturday" he says with a sinister smile. "I'll be there"


Austin walks out the door and I shake my head at how messy he his being. He is only coming to the party because he knows I don't want him there. I need to hurry up and tell Shawn what happened before Austin does.

"Babe?" Shawn yells at me breaking me out my train of thought.

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

"I said are you ready"

"Yeah let's go"

I grab my things and we head to the car making our way home. Once home I head to the room and upstairs to change my clothes. Michelle is having a girls night at her house so I'm heading over there.

"Alright babe you sure you don't want me to call your mom to help you watch Nahla?" I ask Shawn as I'm about to leave.

"I got this Bey, now go have fun and be in the house before 12" he playfully says.

"Yes daddy"

"Say that again" Shawn says with seductive eyes.

I laugh while bending down to kiss him. "Bye baby & bye honey" I say while kissing Nahla on the forehead.

I get into my car and head to Michelle's house. I pull into the driveway at the same time as Gwyn. Gabby and Tyra are already here.

"BB" Gwyn yells while running up to hug me. "I missed you"

"You saw me earlier today"

"Why can't you just be appreciative of my affection?"

I bust out laughing. "I'm sorry Gwyn I missed you too"

"That's more like it"

We head to the front door and walk right in knowing it was unlocked.

"Why y'all always late?" Gabby asks as soon as she sees us.

"Damn no how y'all doing?" I say while putting my bag on the kitchen counter.

"Nope, because of y'all I had to wait to eat"

"Girl bye"

I say hey to Chelle and Tyra, and then we begin eating and talking about Gabby's wedding plans.

"So Bey how is my little nephew treating you?" Gabby asks while rubbing my belly.

"Bye she's having a girl" Tyra asks.

I laugh at them. "I actually find the sex out tomorrow, so y'all will know officially and stop arguing about."

"Did Shawn say what he wants?" Chelle asked.

"He said he wanted a boy but I don't think he would mind either way."

"Awww I'm so happy for you guys. Y'all deserve this after everything that's happened" Gwyn says and everyone agrees.

"Thanks, but I do need y'all advice on something" they were all listening so I continued. "So a couple of weeks ago me and Austin was hanging out and he admitted that he had feelings for me which led to us making out on my couch." I say bracing myself for their reactions.

"Didn't I tell you Bey" Michelle said.

"I know but I really don't like him like that I was just in the moment and I don't know I guess horny and one thing led to another."

"Did you tell Shawn?" Gwyn asks, I shake my head no.

"And to make matters worse Shawn invited Austin to the party this weekend and he said he was coming, it's like he is trying to torture me"

"Yeah you need to tell Shawn before Austin does and tries to make it seem like more than what it actually was" Gabby says.

"I'm going to try to tell him before the party"

"Ain't no going to try, you NEED to tell him before the party" Tyra says.

Once we were done discussing me we just chilled till about 11 and then everyone headed home.

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